Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


Nov 09, 2020 Welcome to Tathagata


Dr. Tathagata Paul just joined the Hybrid Nanoscale Interfaces team to work on his Post-Doc in the field of hydro-dynamic heat or charge transport in two-dimensional materials.. Welcome to the lab!

Oct. 29, 2020 EmpAIR available


We developed a mobile CO2 station, which can be read-out by your mobile device and gives you an indication about air-quality. It could help to limit the spreading of the corona virus.


Oct. 13, 2020 Success story for MOMM Diagnostics

Euresearch highlights Empa spin-off MOMM Diagnostics and the successful FET Open Launchpad PEDPOC project together with our lab on new devices to protect mother and child (pdf).

Sept. 30, 2020 Congratulations Matthias!


Congratulations Matthias to your successful PhD-defense.



Sept. 25, 2020 Welcome Martina Grether

Martina will support us for 1/2 year during her master project "Classification of Biopsies with Uncertain Malignancy by AI-assisted Spectral Pathology". 

Sept 23, 2020 Best Poster Award


Congratulations Talia for the best poster prize award at the EXCITE, biomedical imaging summer school at ETH. The award is for Talia`s work on machine learning augmented red blood cell imaging and analytics.  

Sept 22, 2020 TOFI wins Swiss Science Slam at Swiss Med Tech Day


Our Innosusisse project "Tongue Fitness Trainer" won the Science Slam at the Swiss Medtech Day 2020 in Bern for the performance given by Tino Töpper. Congratulations to the people involved!

Sept 09, 2020 Welcome Elias & Ronny

Our two new Physics Laboratory Technician apprentices, Elias and Ronny just started. We are happy to welcome them in our team and wish them an interesting and educative time with us! :-)

Sept. 01, 2020 Welcome Elena Quiriconi


Elena will help to set-up and run our power-cycling experiments.

A warm welcome from our side ! =)

July 06, 2020 Congratulations to Dylan, Janic and Jil!

Congratulations to Dylan, Janic and Jil to your successfully passing of the final apprenticeship exams!

July 06, 2020 Welcome to Daniel Sacre


Welcome Daniel to our group as new PhD in the field of THz imaging of wood. Hope you enjoy your time with us :-)

Jul 01, 2020 Welcome Alexandra Walser


Welcome Alexandra!

Hope your short masterproject-summerbreak time with us will be joyful & productive ;-)

June 19, 2020 Congratulations Jil, Dylan and Janic!

Congratulations Jil, Dylan and Janic for your success at the Berufsmatura!

June 19, 2020 Herzliche Gratulation Günter!

Congratulations and a big thank you Günter for 30 years of loyalty and commitment to Empa!

June 01, 2020 Welcome Jonas!

We are happy to welcome Jonas Gartmann in our electronic developement-team.

May 29, 2020 New Masterprojects available

We are looking for students interested to perform a master thesis. New topics are available!

May 13, 2020

Bachmann Dominik 405_w.jpg
Congratulations to Dominik for successfully defending his master thesis "Low Frequency Noise Measurement in Graphene Devices" !

Mar. 02, 2020 Seminar at 15:00, VE102

Prof. Dr. Damien Thompson: Predictive Materials Modelling from Atoms to Devices

Feb. 19, 2020 Seminar at 14:00, VE102

Dr. Mohammad Zahedinejad: Spin Hall nano-oscillators: Gigahertz neurons

Feb. 18, 2020 Congratulation to Omar, Swiss juniorchampion in bob run

Congratulation to Omar Vögele for getting gold in junior and reaching top 10 in adult bobsled swiss championship 2020!


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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