Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces
Nanomaterials Spectroscopy and Imaging

THz imaging and THz spectroscopy: We perform materials research on selected topics such as studying the interface structure of skin and textiles in mechanical contact, VO2 metal-insulator phase transition, humidity content of solar cell materials, wood structures and materials for new devices (e.g. graphene).
THz laser sources:
- Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) emitting at 3 THz with 1.2 mW peak power.
- Far infrared gas laser (FIRL100 from Edinburgh instruments). Individual emission lines available in the wavelength range of 60 µm – 600 µm with 10-150 mW continuous power (e.g. 150 mW at 118.8 µm).
THz Detectors
- Uncooled µ-bolometer array with 480x640 pixels on a 25 µm pitch (Devitech).
- Uncooled µ-bolometer array with 480x640 pixels on a 17 µm pitch (Xenics Gobi 640).
- Pyrometer 0.1 - 30 THz NEP: 4x10-10 W/√Hz @ 10,6 μm D*: 5x109 cm √Hz /W
THz Spectrometer
- THz Time Domain Spectrometer „Teraflash“ covering the frequency range from 0.2 to 7 THz. It is based on a fs-laser at 1550 nm and photoconductive switches to generate and detect the THz pulse.
THz optics components
- Parabolic mirrors, wire grid polariser
- Beam splitter plates and gratings
- Lenses (PE-Fresnel, Silicon and Tsurupica)