Fabrication and characterization of THz metasurfaces

We are looking for a motivated student with a physics, material science, electrical engineering, or chemistry background for an MSc thesis in the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory at Empa.

The THz regime is the bridge between optics and electronics. However, there is still a lack of materials and devices for this spectrum area. The project aims at developing THz metamaterials. You will use and optimize the technology of our lab based on thin polymer films. In addition, you will use COMSOL Mul-tiphysics for the simulations of the devices and work on the characterization of the metasurfaces with state-of-the-art equipment (figure 1 (a&b).
We are looking for a motivated student with a physics, material science, electrical engineering, or chemistry background for an MSc thesis in the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory at Empa.

 During the project, the MSc student will work on:

  • The development of thin film devices using TOPAS
  • Cleanroom fabrication of metasurfaces
  • COMSOL Multiphysics simulations using Radio Frequency module
  • THz time-domain spectroscopy for the characterization of the devices
  • Matlab/python for analyzing data
Interested candidates can email their CVs with a short motivation letter to Dr. Elena Mavrona (eleni.mavrona@empa.ch); also, they can contact her if they need further information.

Figure 1. a) Blender illustration of THz-TDS b) COMSOL simulations of a low pass filter.

Relevant references for the project:
  • Singh et al., Design of THz low pass filter using split-ring resonators, Optik - International Jour-nal for Light and Electron Optics 247 (2021) 16792
  • Senica et al., An antipodal Vivaldi antenna for improved far-field properties and polarization manipulation of broadband terahertz quantum cascade lasers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 161105 (2020)
  • E. Hack et al. Fabrication of freestanding photonic devices combining polymer films with microfab-rication techniques and 3D printing, Opt. Express 31 (2023) 29968-29974