Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


Nov 17, 2021 Congratulations Mickael!

Congratulations to Dr. Mickael Perrin for being awarded a SNSF Eccellenza Grant!

Nov 8, 2021 Congratulation Yves!

Congratulations to Dr. Mermoud for your successfull PhD defense! 

Oct 01, 2021 Welcome to Alessia


Alessia Romio from Polytecnico di Milano joined our lab for her masterproject "Vertical hetero-structures for organic electronics" with Jacopo Oswald. Welcome to our group and we wish you a joyful and productive winter-time :-)

Sept 29, 2021 Welcome to Samuel

Samuel Singh, master student from RWTH Aachen started his project in the beginning of the month and will stay with us until february. He will work on a project in Machine learning with Mickael Perrin. Welcome to our group!


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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