Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


Nov 14, 2023 Congratulations to Yanis & Silvio

Congratulations to our Apprentices Silvio & Yanis for receiving "Preis der Jury" and "Teilnehmerpreis" for their Projcet "Singing Tesla Coil" at this years Lehrlingswettbewerb Züri-Oberland!

Nov 02, 2023 Welcome Tingyuan

We welcome Tingyuan Wang to our team as a  Master Student from EPFL. Tingyuan will be working on the synthesis of ultra-long graphene nanoribbons for device applications through chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

Sept 08, 2023 Welcome to Lily

LilyHenry_Grad pic.jpg
Welcome, Dr. Lily Henry! Our lab is excited to have you join us in our research on neurodegenerative diseases.

Sept 08, 2023 Welcome to Nico

Welcome to our lab, Dr. Nico Kummer! We are excited to have you join our research on the aggregation of proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease.


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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