Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


May 13, 2020

Bachmann Dominik 405_w.jpg
Congratulations to Dominik for successfully defending his master thesis "Low Frequency Noise Measurement in Graphene Devices" !

Mar. 02, 2020 Seminar at 15:00, VE102

Prof. Dr. Damien Thompson: Predictive Materials Modelling from Atoms to Devices

Feb. 19, 2020 Seminar at 14:00, VE102

Dr. Mohammad Zahedinejad: Spin Hall nano-oscillators: Gigahertz neurons

Feb. 18, 2020 Congratulation to Omar, Swiss juniorchampion in bob run

Congratulation to Omar Vögele for getting gold in junior and reaching top 10 in adult bobsled swiss championship 2020!


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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