Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces
Sept 27, 2021 Detecting dementia in blood
The recent work by Dr. Peter Nirmalraj in collaboration with Dr. Th. Schneider and Dr. A. Felbecker (Kantonsspital St.Gallen) paves the way towards a blood-based detection of Alzheimer's disease. See the publication and press release.
Aug 17, 2021 Welcome Fabien
Fabien starts his master thesis on the topic "Development of microporous graphene membranes for nanoparticle transport studies at biological barriers". He will work with Ivan Shorubalko (in group Nanoelectronics and Nano-Optics) and Tina Bürki (in group Particles@barriers). We wish you a good start and good time! :-)
Showing 61 to 64 of 193 entries.