Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces
Nov 14, 2023 Congratulations to Yanis & Silvio
Congratulations to our Apprentices Silvio & Yanis for receiving "Preis der Jury" and "Teilnehmerpreis" for their Projcet "Singing Tesla Coil" at this years Lehrlingswettbewerb Züri-Oberland!
June 22, 2023 Best Poster Award
Congratulations to Ángel Labordet for winning the Best Poster Award at the Raman Workshop 2023, that took place at ETH Zurich. Angel is investigating phonons and phonon-carrier interactions in 1D graphene nanoribbons for his MSc thesis under the supervision of Dr. Mirjana Dimitrievska and Dr. Gabriela Borin Barin.
June 21, 2023 1st Prize for Best Poster
Congratulations to Wenhao for getting the first prize for best poster at Swiss nanoconvention 2023!
Showing 11 to 20 of 192 entries.