Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


Sept. 6, 2017

Congratulations to Yves Mermoud for the "Best Poster Presentation Award" at EUROSENSORS 2017 conference in Paris  (

Aug 21, 2017

We are happy to welcome our two new physics laboratory technician apprentices: Andreas Alff and Dominic Zwyssig.

Aug 2, 2017

We are happy to welcome Dr. Sahana Sarkar as a new postdoc in our group. 

July 1, 2017

170705-Huan Ma_Photo_80px.jpg
We are happy to welcome Dr. Huan Ha as a new postdoc in our group.

June 27, 2017

We have new Master student projects online. Contact us, if you are interested in doing a Master project in the topic (Electrical and optical biosensors, Si NWs for biosensing, Pump Probe technique, FIB or Quantum Transport in Graphene junctions). 

March 17, 2017

Congratulations to Anton for successfully defending his PhD thesis entitled “Detailed analysis of single molecular junctions for novel computing architectures.”.

February 17, 2017

Pascal Butti today had his successful PhD-defense. Congratultions from our lab!

February 01, 2017

We are happy to welcome two new postdocs (Dr. Mathias Wipf & Dr. Mickael Perrin) in our group.

December 01, 2016

Congratulations to Matthias Grotevent! He was awarded the ETH Medal for an outstanding master thesis "Highly Sensitive Quantum Dot-Graphene Photodetectors". 


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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