Selected Awards 2017

Empa Research Award for Christoph Kenel
In the future, new designer alloys for aerospace applications can be manufactured using the 3-D laser melting process (Additive Manufacturing). Pioneering work in this field was provided by Empa researcher Christoph Kenel, who works today at Northwestern University in Chicago. Empa grants him the Empa Research Award 2017. Read more.

Ruzicka Prize for Maria Ibáñez

ETH Medal 2017 for Erica Vacchieri
Every year, outstanding doctoral theses from ETH Zurich are awarded the ETH Medal. This includes Empa researcher Erica Vacchieri from the "Mechanical Integrity of Energy Systems" lab, who was awarded the medal for her dissertation "Creep-Fatigue and Small Punch Creep in Gas Turbine Hot Gas Path Materials".

Mickael Perrin awarded Steven Hoogendijk Prize 2017
Empa Researcher Mickael Perrin of the Transport at Nanoscale Interface lab has won the Steven Hoogendijk Prize 2017 for the best PhD thesis of TU Delft for his dissertation on single molecule electronics. The prize is awarded every two years by the “Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbeerte”, (Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy) for the best dissertation of Delft University of Technology. For the dutch speaking, there is a video summary of the thesis defense available here.

Bernd Nowack "Highly Cited Researchers"

Luca Schaufelberger received gold at the GENIUS Olympiad
What started out as a two-week internship at Empa culminated in the GENIUS Olympiad in the US for Luca Schaufelberger: as the winner of the national competition “Swiss Youth in Science”, he represented Switzerland at the Olympic Games for bright minds – and won there, too! His reusable water filters made of nanocellulose thrilled jury committees from here to the other side of the Atlantic. Read more.

Cadre d’Or for Tanja Zimmermann und Ingo Burgert
Last week, Baukader Schweiz presented the Cadre d'Or for outstanding achievements in the field of wood construction in Switzerland. The Silver Award went to the two Empa researchers, Tanja Zimmermann and Ingo Burgert, for the Vision Wood NEST unit. Read more.

NEST receives "Umsicht" award