Medical Service Empa/Eawag
The two research institutes Empa and Eawag jointly operate a company Medical Service at the Dübendorf campus for the initial treatment of patients at the workplace. At the Empa sites in St. Gallen and Thun, a first-aid service is in operation.
The Medical Service is also responsible for preventative measures such as resuscitation courses (BLS-AED), first aid and hydrofluoric acid safety courses and the monitoring of potentially hazardous processes.
More information is available on the intranet.

Members of the Medical Service during the annual chemical accident exercise.
Medical Service Dübendorf
Call 8888
Mobile: +41 58 765 88 88
First-Aid Service St. Gallen
Call 8844
Mobile: +41 58 765 88 44
First-Aid Service Thun
Call 8822
Mobile: +41 58 765 88 22