Research interests
I am research group leader at Empa's Center for X-ray Analytics (CXA) on beyond state-of-the-art X-ray imaging and analytical methods and their applications for materials science and engineering as well as for biomedical engineering and life sciences. I have with my research group at CXA a long record of accomplishments in X-ray imaging and image analyses. My current research focus is on advanced multi-modal X-ray imaging methods for life science, biomedical and personalized health related topics and applications. My group operates a broad portfolio of multi-energy and multi-modal X-ray imaging devices and the Empa Imaging and Image Analysis Platform for image processing for non-standard problems. Besides my current research focus I have a long time interests and experience in the area of radiation-based imaging methods both at lab-scale and at large-scale imaging devices mostly focusing on imaging with neutrons.

- Lecturer of the master course "Advanced Biomedical Imaging", Biomedical Engineering, University of Bern
Memberships in national and international organizations
- International Society of Neutron Radiography
- Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)
- Member of EXCITE Zurich, Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies Zurich
Profile on GoggleScholar
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Profile on DORA
Profile on DORA PSI