
STEPLESS is a Horizon Europe project that aims to lower the environmental footprint during final approach operations with both conventional and increased glideslope angles (IGS). IGS approaches are intended to reduce the noise exposure on ground by a higher flight altitude during final approach. Steeper approach angles however, also reduce the aircraft's capability to decelerate to final approach speed. Therefore, pilots might be forced to configure the aircraft for landing earlier, which has deteriorating effects on noise and fuel consumption. The STEPLESS project aims to transform aircraft approach procedures by introducing a novel high-lift system designed for optimized energy management. This innovative approach focuses on enabling stepless adjustments to aircraft high-lift configurations during approach, allowing for dynamic adaptation to glide slope angles and flight conditions. By enhancing the Flight Management System (FMS), STEPLESS will reduce fuel consumption and noise, even under IGS scenarios. The STEPLESS consortium is composed of five research institutions, one airborne equipment
manufacturer and one consulting company, with partners located in five countries all over Europe. In the project, Empa is responsible for all noise simulations and contributes to the optimization and validation of the chosen approach.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Funding: Horizon SESAR
Partner: DLR, NLR, THALES, SkyLab, UPC, L-up
Duration: 2024 - 2026

Noise Emission of electric vehicles under acceleration in Urban Settings (NEẍUS)
Strassenverkehr verursacht in der Schweiz den Lärm mit den meisten Betroffenen. Besonders viele Menschen sind Strassenlärm von stark befahrenen Strassen im urbanen Raum ausgesetzt. Akustische Untersuchungen zu Lärmemissionen von Strassenfahrzeugen konzentrieren sich oft auf das Fahren bei konstanter Geschwindigkeit, wohingegen Beschleunigungsmanöver nicht genügend untersucht sind. Während die Schallemission bei konstanter Geschwindigkeit ab ca. 30 km/h durch das Reifengeräusch dominiert ist, spielen Antriebsgeräusche bei Beschleunigung auch bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten eine Rolle. Fraglich ist, ob dies auch für elektrisch angetriebene Fahrzeuge gilt. Im Forschungsprojekt NEẍUS werden die akustischen Unterschiede zwischen Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor (Benzin/Diesel) und rein elektrisch angetriebenen in stadttypischen Fahrzuständen inkl. Beschleunigungsvorgängen quantifiziert. Dazu werden auf einer Teststrecke des TCS Paare aus jeweils einem Elektro- und einem ähnlichen Verbrennerfahrzeug beim Absolvieren kontrollierter Fahrprofile akustisch vermessen. Ziel ist es, durch diese Messkampagne Erkenntnisse zum Lärmminderungspotential von Elektroautos im urbanen Raum zu gewinnen.
Kontakt: Reto Pieren
Projektförderung: TCS Schweiz
Projektpartner: TCS Schweiz
Dauer: 2023 - 2024

dRone sOund measuremenT And synthesis (ROTATE)
Der vermehrte Einsatz von Drohnen führt zu einer höheren Lärmbelastung. Zur Untersuchung von Drohnenlärm müssen geeignete akustische Berechnungsmodelle entwickelt werden. Diese Modelle dienen als Grundlage für Lärmbelästigungsstudien und zur Optimierung des Drohnenbetriebs im Hinblick auf die Lärmbelastung der Bevölkerung. Viele akustische Phänomene und psychoakustische Aspekte des Drohnenlärms sind noch ungeklärt. Offene Frage betreffen beispielsweise den Rotorlärm im Vorwärtsflug im Vergleich zum Schwebeflug, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Rotoren und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Rotoren und Drohnenkörper. Dieses Projekt konzentriert sich auf die messtechnische Charakterisierung von Drohnenemissionen (Multikopter) und die Ermittlung der einzelnen Lärmquellen, der Wechselwirkungen und der Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Flugmanövern. Auf der Grundlage dieser Messungen wird ein parametrisiertes Modell für die Synthese von Drohnenemissionen entwickelt, welches die Auralisierung von Drohnenflügen erlaubt, die dann in Hörversuchen eingesetzt werden können.
Kontakt: Reto Pieren
Dauer: 2024 – 2026

DYNamic Management of Aircraft Configuration and Route Structures (DYN-MARS)
The DYN-MARS project aims to minimise the environmental footprint of flights during climb, descent and approach through novel avionic functions and improved arrival routes and procedures. It enables, for the first time, a complete holistic solution that combines airborne with Air Traffic Management (ATM) improvements connected by enhanced communication capabilities. DYN-MARS builds on previous SESAR work through the development of the permanent resume trajectory function, the concept of dynamic deployment of arrival route structures, the DYNCAT project’s Flight Management System (FMS) energy management function and new air–ground data exchanges in order to enable the visibility of the flight plan at both ends. DYN-MARS includes relevant aspects of air traffic management with new aircraft flight procedures to sustainably reduce the environmental impact of aviation (CO2, fuel burn and the noise exposure of communities) whilst supporting the demand for high airport capacity and without compromising safety standards.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Funding: Horizon SESAR
Partner: DLR, Eurocontrol, NATS, NLR, THALES, SkyLab, Swiss Airlines
Duration: 2023 - 2026

Attenuation calculation using long-range wave-based simulations (ATLAS)
The ATLAS project aims to advance and implement a numerical reference model for outdoor sound propagation simulations. Utilizing a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) wave-based computational model, the project will enable the simulation of point-to-point attenuation over long distances. The model will account for features such as uneven terrain, varying ground characteristics, and an inhomogeneous atmosphere. Building on an existing 2D simulation for a homogeneous atmosphere, the project will expand the model into a 3D framework simulating real point source behavior. It will introduce the capability to model inhomogeneous atmospheres, capturing localized fluctuations in effective sound propagation velocities. The model will incorporate vertical profiles with turbulence fields, enabling the simulation of coherence losses due to ground reflection and scattering into shadow zones. A key challenge lies in synthesizing random turbulence fields that maintain near-physical spatial correlations while minimizing memory usage. To ensure practical applications, the project will realize a computationally efficient implementation on a modern Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Ultimately, the project will identify deviations between engineering models such as ISO 9613, CNOSSOS-EU, or sonX and the wave-theoretical reference model, enabling quantitative assessments of these models' accuracy.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Project funding: BAFU
Duration: 2022-2023
Montanaro, H., Lincke, D., Van Renterghem, T., Heutschi, K., & Pieren, R. (2023). Memory efficient GPU-accelerated 3D FDTD acoustic simulations in turbulent fields. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (4 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).
Montanaro, H., Pachale, U., Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2024). Empirical validation and engineering model comparison of outdoor long-range 3D GPU FDTD acoustic simulations with turbulence. In Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2024 (p. (9 pp.). Internoise.

Switzerland-wide evaluation of newly signalized 30 km/h speed limit sections in terms of noise pollution, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance (ImpactT30)
The introduction of a speed reduction from 50 km/h to 30 km/h is a measure to reduce noise emissions from and thus noise exposure of the population to road traffic. In an intervention study, projects with speed changes (speed reductions?) are accompanied throughout Switzerland. For this purpose, traffic surveys, noise measurements and calculations as well as interviews with residents are carried out at three points in time (before the change, directly after the change and two to three years later). The aim is to investigate how the change in speed signalization affects noise pollution, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner: FOEN, Cercle Bruit
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2023 – 2028

Metamaterials for vibration and sound reduction (METAVISION)
METAVISION aims to reconcile two conflicting trends. On the one hand, people become increasingly aware of the negative health impact of excessive noise and vibration exposure. On the other hand, every kilogram of mass removed from the logistics chain has a direct economic and ecological benefit. Current noise and vibration solutions still require too much mass or volume to be practically feasible, particularly for lower frequencies. There is thus a strong need for low mass, compact material solutions with excellent noise and vibration characteristics, for which recently emerged so-called metamaterials have shown immense potential. METAVISION aims to develop novel design and analysis methods in view of broadening the performance and applicability of metamaterials, revolutionize the manufacturing of metamaterials towards large-scale and versatile solutions and advance academically proven metamaterial concepts towards industrially relevant applications.
METAVISION gathers universities (KU Leuven, Université du Mans, Universidade de Coimbra), research institutes (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Empa) and small- and large-scale industry (Siemens Industry Software NV, Materialise NV, MetAcoustic, Phononic Vibes srl, Airbus, Swiss Federal Railways, Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção S.A.) from manufacturing, construction, transportation, machine design and noise and vibration solution sectors with the relevant expertise to create the coordinated research environment needed to bring metamaterials from academic concepts to large-scale manufacturable and industrially applicable noise and vibration solutions, paving the way towards a quieter and greener Europe.
METAVISION is a MSCA doctoral network funded by the European Commission.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Partner: KU Leuven
Project funding: SBFI
Duration: 2023 - 2027

CHEWBAcHA – Computing human head elastic waves for bone anchored hearing aids
People with hearing problems face limitations due to communication problems. Bone conduction hearing aids can help if the cause of the hearing loss is a problem with the outer or middle ear. These devices capture sound and transmit vibrations directly to the skull. The vibrations go to the functioning cochlea, and transmit the signal via the hearing nerve to the brain. In this project, engineers and physicians collaborate to understand the process better, and to improve a future generation of these hearing aids. To do this, we compare measurements of skull vibrations and acoustic pressure in the cochlea to detailed computer models. The models give information that cannot be measured clinically, such as the exact path the sound is following through the complex structure of the skull.
The goal of the project is to understand the ways of transmitting sound to a vibrational signal on the skull surface and then to the cochlea. To do this, we will create new specialized computer models using finite element simulations. We consider the complex geometry, and use modern reduction techniques to speed up the simulation. Detailed models also require knowledge of the material stiffness and damping, for which a new measurement device will be developed. During the entire project, measurements of skull vibrations and sound pressure in the cochlea are collected to check the quality of the numerical models and to improve them.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Partner: ORL-Klinik Universitätsspital Zürich, HNO-Klinik Universitätsspital Zürich, Institut für Mechanische Systeme ETH Zürich, Empa Thun
Project funding: SNF
Duration: 2022 - 2026


Annoyance eVALuation Of droNes (AVALON)
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or unmanned aerial systems (UAS), commonly referred to as "drones", are a relatively new noise source in the environment. Although the noise impact of drones on the population is currently low, it is likely to become an issue in the future. Further, the rapid development of drone operations requires the development of a legal basis and standardization. So far, the acoustic properties of drones and, in particular, the effects of drone noise on humans have been little studied. Therefore, within AVALON, the acoustic characterization, perception – particularly noise annoyance – and assessment (indications on possible level corrections) of the noise of quadcopters are to be explored. This will provide first indications on the perception of this still quite unknown noise source, also in comparison with better-known noise sources as road traffic.
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Funding: BAFU
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Kawai, C., Jäggi, J., Georgiou, F., Meister, J., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Short-term noise annoyance towards drones and other transportation noise sources: a laboratory study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(4), 2578-2595.

Reanalysis of the NORAH study on the effect of vegetation in urban built environments on transport noise annoyance (CompenSENSE-NORAH)
Within the previous research project CompenSENSE ("Does compensation make sense?"), we investigated whether the characteristics and proximity or accessibility of restorative areas (parks, green areas, water, etc.) are suitable for reducing transportation noise annoyance and thus indirectly achieving a compensatory effect. For this purpose, we supplemented the Swiss SiRENE survey sample (noise annoyance caused by road traffic, railway and aircraft noise) with various "green" metrics and reanalyzed the data set. We found vegetation and green spaces in residential areas to significantly reduce annoyance to road traffic and railway noise. In the case of aircraft noise, in contrast, residents living in green areas were significantly more noise annoyed than those in less green residential areas. While the findings on road traffic and railway noise were in line with expectations according to literature, those on aircraft noise were unexpected. Within CompenSENS-NORAH, we will therefore test the replicability of our previous results by complementing the data set from the German NORAH Study with the green metric NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and re-analyzing the data for road traffic, railway and aircraft noise annoyance in dependence of noise exposure and residential green.
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Projectpartner: ZEUS GmbH, Zentrum für angewandte Psychologie, Umwelt- und Sozialforschung
Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2022 – 2023
Publications: Schäffer, B., Schalcher, S., & Schreckenberg, D. (2023). Reanalysis of the Norah study on the association of transportation noise induced annoyance with residential green. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (4 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).

Model-based acoustical road pavement characterization at low speeds - BELMONTI
With the introduction of 30 km/h speed limits in road traffic, there is a great interest in acoustic pavement characterization in the low speed range. For speeds of 50 and 80 km/h, a standardized method for dynamic pavement characterization exists in form of the CPX method. Since it is uncertain whether this method is also suitable for speeds of 30 km/h, possibilities of an alternative pavement characterization are explored and discussed with regard to the expected reliability. For this purpose, a model-based approach is pursued that dynamically measures the sound absorption and the surface texture of road surfaces and, if possible, also their flow resistivity, and based on this quantifies the pavement property via an empirical functional relationship.
Contact: Urs Pachale
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2022 – 2024

Simulation of the CPX method to measure road pavement properties - CPX-Simulator
In today's road traffic noise, rolling noise caused by the interaction of the tire with the road surface dominates in many situations. Consequently, pavement characterization is of great importance in noise prediction. The internationally standardized CPX method offers an elegant way of measuring the acoustic properties of the road surface. In this method, a defined test tire rolls in a trailer pulled by a vehicle at 50 or 80 km/h over the road to be tested. The resulting sound field is captured in the near-field by sound pressure microphones. In order to predict pavement effects at the roadside, suitable conversion models are required. These models have so far been found purely empirically by comparing pairs of data. Within the framework of this project, a computational model is to be developed that allows for a sound field simulation in a CPX measurement trailer based on the underlying physical sound generation mechanisms. This will make it possible to more accurately determine the limits and uncertainties of the CPX method and to learn about the frequency-dependent reliability of the measurement levels. In addition, modules are being developed which, in the medium term, can be expected to produce a physics-based conversion model that takes additional influencing factors into account.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2022 – 2024

Demonstration of the feasibility of eco-efficient flight trajectories D-KULT
The German Aerospace Center DLR is developing a pilot assistance system called LNAS (Low-Noise Augmentation System), which has already been successfully tested for landings at Zurich Airport in cooperation with Empa. In the D-KULT project, the system is to be expanded and used for take-offs and landings of the aircraft types B787, A320 and A330 at Frankfurt Airport. In the project, Empa validates its sonAIR model based on measurements at Frankfurt Airport and determines the impact of noise-optimised approach and departure procedures in comparison with real air traffic (standard operation). The results are presented as noise exposure maps on the ground and the number of people affected by noise.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner: DLR
Project funding: LUFO
Duration: 2022 – 2024

Sound insulation in timber construction - SchaHo
"Sound insulation in timber construction" (SchaHo) is a cooperation project between Lignum Holzwirtschaft Schweiz and Empa Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control. It aims at further establishing multi-storey construction with wood due to sound-optimised timber constructions and the highest possible planning security for building owners, planners and contractors as well as a high level of satisfaction for residents in their living environment. 
The core focus is therefore the technology transfer in the form of digital planning tools, online databases, best practice guidelines and training courses provided by Lignum. The knowledge basis for this is the analysis and provision of sound insulation data stemming from the workpackage "Determining the data basis". As one central work item, Empa calculates with numerical methods the structure-borne sound transmission at connections of building elements in mass timber buildings and further develops these methods for a more accurate and efficient calculation of flanking transmission. In parallel, Empa is conducting laboratory tests to determine further sound insulation data in order to validate the numerical models and to expand the data basis from previous project phases. 
Contact: Stefan Schoenwald
Partners: Lignum Holzwirtschaft Schweiz
Project funding: Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), Aktionsplan Holz
Duration: September 2021 bis Juni 2025
Publications: Vallely, S., & Schoenwald, S. (2023). Frequency-independent homogenised elastic and damping constants of cross-laminated timber. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (8 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).

Thin low frequency sound absorbers using rigid mineral foams
Porous materials are surely the most widely used solutions when it comes to acoustic treatments. They provide good absorption features for a large range of frequencies while being extremely cheap to manufacture. However, controlling their internal structure and macroscopic properties are far from trivial, and they display poor absorption capabilities in the sub-wavelength domain. The latter is often dealt with resonant and/or periodic structures, often called metamaterials, which can provide extra-ordinary absorption performances.
As noise mitigation becomes a predominant matter in modern society, the design of cheap, efficient at low frequencies, and resilient acoustic treatments is of great interest. Preliminary studies on mineral foams have addressed the acoustic behaviour of such materials, and are readily available in the scientific literature. Tests under lab conditions show that the unique foams with large pores and thin pore walls absorb low frequencies better than existing products, but only in a narrow band. A model will enable the design of a high-performance sound absorption material, for which a suitable production process will be developed. In addition mineral foams are fire resistant and do not emit plasticizers thus are safe for in- and outdoor use.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Funding: Innosuisse
Partner: de Cavis
Duration: 2021 - 2023

TraNQuIL2 Toward prevention of health effects from acute and chronic noise exposure
In recent years, epidemiological research has shown links between various cardiometabolic diseases and road traffic, railway and aircraft noise. However, little is known about the effects on mental health and the most effective interventions to reduce noise-related health effects. This study examines several important research questions related to short- and long-term health effects of traffic noise.
To investigate the acute effects of aircraft noise on the mental health of patients in a psychiatric hospital, a time series analysis is used to compare daily measured and modelled aircraft noise exposure from a nearby airfield with aggression events, daily medication use and patients' mental health. In another sample of 650 persons aged 20 to >80 years, we investigate whether and to what extent physical activity and sleep influence the effect of road traffic noise on early detectable markers of cardiometabolic disease. In the last 20 years, an estimated 350'000 and 400'000 persons in Switzerland benefited from noise barriers and soundproof windows, respectively. The effect of these measures on cardiovascular mortality is retrospectively investigated in the Swiss National Cohort using a natural experimental approach. For this purpose, spectral propagation algorithms are implemented in current noise models. The analysis will also consider changes in noise exposure due to low-noise pavements, large infrastructures and relocations.
The study will improve our understanding of effective prevention measures at the individual and population level. For individual prevention, comprehensive analyses of physiological effects on the cardiovascular system and metabolism will shed light on whether and to what extent noise effects are preventable at an early stage. With regard to structural prevention, it is now empirically investigated for the first time how noise protection measures affect cardiovascular mortality. In addition, the project provides insights into the effect of noise in a possibly particularly sensitive population group of psychiatric patients.
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Funding: SNF
Partner: Swiss TPH, n-Sphere
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Vienneau, D.; Wicki, B.; Flückiger, B.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2022. Long-term exposure to transportation noise and mortality with diabetes mellitus: a national cohort study. Paper No. 157. Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2022, 51st International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, UK: I-INCE, c/o Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Akustik (SGA-SSA), CH-6302 Sempach Station, Switzerland.
Wicki, B.; Vienneau, D.; Schäffer, B.; Müller, T.J.; Pervilhac, C.; Röösli, M., 2023. Noise, agitation and somatization: A case time series analysis of military-aircraft noise exposure and pro re nata medication in a psychiatric hospital in Switzerland. Paper No. 70. Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Belgrade, Serbia
Vienneau, D.; Wicki, B.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2023. Sensitivity of the association between aircraft noise exposure and CVD mortality. Paper No. 107. Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Belgrade, Serbia
Wicki, B.; Vienneau, D.; Schäffer, B.; Müller, T.J.; Raub, U.; Widrig, J.; Pervilhac, C.; Röösli, M., 2024. Acute effects of military aircraft noise on sedative and analgesic drug administrations in psychiatric patients: a case-time series analysis: Article No. 108501. Environ. Int., 185, 7 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108501.
Vienneau, D.; Wicki, B.; Flückiger, B.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2024. Long-term exposure to transportation noise and diabetes mellitus mortality: a national cohort study and updated meta-analysis. Article No. 46. Env. Heal., 23, (15 pp). doi: 10.1186/s12940-024-01084-0.
Wicki, B., Vienneau, D., Schäffer, B., Müller, T. J., Pervilhac, C., & Röösli, M. (2023). Noise, agitation and somatization: a case time series analysis of military-aircraft noise exposure and pro re nata medication in a psychiatric hospital in Switzerland. In ICBEN 2023 papers (p. (6 pp.). 14th ICBEN congress on noise as a public health problem.
Wicki, B., Schäffer, B., Wunderli, J. M., Müller, T. J., Pervilhac, C., Röösli, M., & Vienneau, D. (2023). Suicide and transportation noise: a prospective cohort study from Switzerland. Environmental Health Perspectives, 131(3), 037013 (11 pp.).

Restorative potential of green spaces in noise-polluted environments (RESTORE)
Urban areas experience a continuous increase of population and mobility going along with increased noise exposure of the residents and a decline of green spaces. The objective of this project is to assess the effects of green spaces as facilitators and noise as impediment to recover from stress. The project consists of laboratory experiments with VR and soundscape simulations, field experiments in urban and suburban green spaces of varying acoustic and visual settings, an extended field study in differently noise-polluted neighbourhoods, and a Swiss-wide survey and remote sensing assessment of green spaces. The project will provide new insights in the pathways of stress build-up as evoked by noise exposure, and recovery as promoted by green spaces. It will identify the visual and acoustic prerequisites of restorative green spaces, and have an impact on the Swiss noise legislation and the implementation of the revised spatial planning act.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli, Beat Schäffer
Funding: SNF (Sinergia)
Partner: WSL
Duration: 2020 - 2024
Publications: Dopico, J., Schäffer, B., García Martín, M., Kolecka, N., Tobias, S., Schaupp, J., … Wunderli, J. M. (2022). Studying the association between noise exposure, stress and characteristics of green spaces: protocol and pilot study. In Proceedings. Internoise 2022 (p. 166 (9 pp.). Internoise.
Georgiou, F., Kawai, C., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2022). Laboratory setup for assessing physiological stress buildup and recovery associated with noise annoyance using virtual reality and ambisonic loudspeaker reproduction. In ICA 2022 proceedings (p. ABS-0300 (8 pp.). Acoustical Society of Korea.
Dopico, J., Schäffer, B., Brink, M., Röösli, M., Vienneau, D., Binz, T. M., … Wunderli, J. M. (2023). How do road traffic noise and residential greenness correlate with noise annoyance and long-term stress? Protocol and pilot study for a large field survey with a cross-sectional design. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3203 (19 pp.).
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., Tobias, S., & Schäffer, B. (2023). Comparing the restorative effects of urban with green spaces: a laboratory study in VR. In ICBEN 2023 papers (p. (11 pp.). 14th ICBEN congress on noise as a public health problem.
Dopico, J., Schäffer, B., Brink, M., Röösli, M., Vienneau, D., Tobias, S., & Wunderli, J. M. (2023). Annoyance to road traffic noise and residential green: a case study in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. In ICBEN 2023 papers (p. (11 pp.). 14th ICBEN congress on noise as a public health problem.
Georgiou, F., Kawai, C., Schäffer, B., & Pieren, R. (2024). Replicating outdoor environments using VR and ambisonics: a methodology for accurate audio-visual recording, processing and reproduction. Virtual Reality, 28(2), 111 (14 pp.).
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., Tobias, S., Mavros, P., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Investigating effect chains from cognitive and noise-induced short-term stress build-up to restoration in an urban or nature setting using 360° VR. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 100, 102466 (13 pp.).

BOHEME’s ambitious goal is to design and realize a new class of bioinspired mechanical metamaterials for novel applicative tools in diverse technological fields. Metamaterials exhibit exotic vibrational properties currently unavailable in Nature, and numerous important applications are emerging. However, universally valid design criteria are currently lacking, and their effectiveness is presently restricted to limited frequency ranges. BOHEME starts from an innovative assumption, increasingly supported by experimental evidence, that the working principle behind metamaterials is already exploited in Nature, and that through evolution, this has given rise to optimized designs for impact damping. The “fundamental science” part of the project aims to explore biological structural materials for evidence of this, to investigate novel optimized bioinspired designs (e.g. porous hierarchical structures spanning various length scales) using state-of-the-art analytical and numerical approaches, to design and manufacture vibrationally effective structures, and to experimentally verify their performance over wide frequency ranges. The project involves theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects, and is a high-impact endeavour, from which basic science, EU industry and society can benefit.
Contact: Andrea Bergamini
Funding: Horizon 2020
Partner: UNITN, Imperial, IMP-PAN, ETH Zürich, UNITO, Multiwave, Phononic Vibes, POLITO, CNRS
Duration: 2020 - 2023

Localization and Identification Of moving Noise sources (LION)
Sound source localisation methods are widely used in the automotive, railway, and aircraft industries. Many different methods are available for the analysis of sound sources at rest. However, methods for the analysis of moving sound sources still suffer from the complexities introduced by the Doppler frequency shift, the relatively short measuring times, and propagation effects in the atmosphere. The project LION combines the expertise of four research groups from three countries working in the field of sound source localisation: The Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin (Beuth), the Turbomachineryand Thermoacoustics chair at TU-Berlin (TUB), the Acoustic Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and the Swiss laboratory for Acoustics / Noise Control of EMPA. The mentioned institutions cooperate to improve and extend the existing methods for the analysis of moving sound sources. They want to increase the dynamic range, the spatial, and the frequency resolution of the methods and apply them to complex problems like the analysis of tonal sources with strong directivities or coherent and spatially distributed sound sources. The partners want to jointly develop and validate these methods, exploiting the synergy effects that arise from such a partnership. Beuth plans to extend the equivalent source method in frequency domain to moving sources located in a halfspace, taking into account the influence of the ground and sound propagation through an inhomogeneous atmosphere. ARI contributes acoustic holography, principal component analysis, and independent component analysis methods and wants to use its experience with pass-by measurements for trains to improve numerical boundary element methods including the transformation from fixed to moving coordinates. TUB develops optimization methods and model based approaches for moving sound sources and will contribute its data base of fly-over measurements with large microphone arrays as test cases. EMPA contributes a sound propagation model based on TimeVariant Digital Filters with particular consideration of turbulence and ground effects and will also generate synthetic test cases for the validation of sound source localization algorithms. The project is planned for a period of three years. The work program is organized in four work packages: 1) the development of algorithms and methods, 2) the development of a virtual test environment for the methods, 3) the simulation of virtual test cases, and 4) the application of the new methods to existing test cases of microphone array measurements of trains and aircraft.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Funding: SNF (Lead Agency Project)
Duration: 2020 - 2024
Lincke, D., Schumacher, T., & Pieren, R. (2022). Evaluation of microphone array methods for aircraft flyover measurements: development of a virtual test environment (pp. 781-783). Presented at the DAGA 2022. DEGA.
Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2022). Fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence in aircraft flyover auralisation. In Proceedings. Internoise 2022 (p. 388 (7 pp.). Internoise.
Pieren, R., & Lincke, D. (2022). Auralization of aircraft flyovers with turbulence-induced coherence loss in ground effect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), 2453-2460.
Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2021). Synthesizing virtual measurements of moving sound sources in the atmospheric boundary layer. In Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021. 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 792-795). DEGA.
Lincke, D., Schumacher, T., & Pieren, R. (2023). Synthesizing coherence loss by atmospheric turbulence in virtual microphone array signals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(1), 456-466.
Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2023). Amplitude modulations in aircraft flyover measurements by atmospheric turbulence in convective atmospheric boundary layers. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (4 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).
Lincke, D. (2024). Modeling and auralization of aircraft noise propagation in atmospheric turbulence [Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich].
Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2024). Auralization of atmospheric turbulence-induced amplitude fluctuations in aircraft flyover sound based on a semi-empirical model. Acta Acustica, 8, 47 (18 pp.).

TraNQuIL - Transportation Noise: Quantitative Methods for Investigating Acute and Long term health effects
The overall aim of TraNQuIL is to obtain a thorough understanding on how transportation noise affects human health. In particular, the following research questions will be addressed:

  1. How relevant is eventfulness of noise and duration of quiet phases between events for cardiovascular mortality, and adolescents’ cognitive performance, behaviour and quality of life?
  2. How crucial is noise exposure at different times during day and night for these outcomes?
  3. How relevant is noise exposure at home vs. school for adolescents’ cognitive performance, behaviour and quality of life?
  4. Are noise induced cardiovascular risks reversible after noise exposure reduction? If yes, what is the relevant time scale?
  5. Do noise events trigger an acute cardiovascular death?

Research will be based on the existing Swiss National Cohort (SNC) and adolescent HERMES cohort study. Nationwide models for road, railway and aircraft traffic noise as well as NO2 exposure at each address in Switzerland for 2001 and 2011 will be individually linked to study participants. For HERMES participants, a longitudinal analysis will be conducted to evaluate the effects of noise exposure at school and home on changes in cognitive function, behaviour and health related quality of life within one year of follow-up. Full residential history available after 2010 for the SNC will be used to elucidate the effects of a sudden change of exposure on cardiovascular mortality. A case-crossover analysis on the triggering effects of aircraft noise on acute coronary events in the population around Zürich airport will be conducted, taking advantage of the daily distribution and variation of noise exposure which is heavily influenced by meteorological conditions.
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Project partners: Swiss TPH
Project funding: Swiss National Science Foundation
Duration: 2017 – 2021
Saucy, A.; Schäffer, B.; Tangermann, L.; Vienneau, D.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2019. Aircraft noise exposure assessment for a case-crossover study in Switzerland. Paper No. 1591. in: Calvo-Manzano A., Delgado A., Perez-Lopez A., Santiago J.S., eds. Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2019, 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. Madrid, Spain: Sociedad Española de Acústica, 28006 Madrid, and Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Indianapolis, IN 46268.
Saucy, A.; Schäffer, B.; Tangermann, L.; Vienneau, D.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2020. Individual aircraft noise exposure assessment for a case-crossover study in Switzerland. Paper No. 3011. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 17, 1-12. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17093011.
Saucy, A.; Schäffer, B.; Tangermann, L.; Vienneau, D.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2021. Does night-time aircraft noise trigger mortality? A case-crossover study on 24 886 cardiovascular deaths. European Heart Journal, 42, 835–843. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa957.
Saucy, A.; Ragettli, M.S.; Vienneau, D.; de Hoogh, K.; Tangermann, L.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Röösli, M., 2021. The role of extreme temperature in cause-specific acute cardiovascular mortality in Switzerland: a case-crossover study. Article No. 147958. Sci. Total Environ., 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147958.
Saucy, A.; de Hoogh, K.; Vienneau, D.; Tangermann, L.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Röösli, M., 2021. Mutual effects of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide on cause-specific acute cardiovascular mortality: a case-crossover study in Switzerland. Article No. 118066. Environmental Pollution, 118066, 8 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118066.
Vienneau, D.; Flückiger, B.; Saucy, A.; Tangermann, L.; Schäffer, B.; Wunderli, J.M.; Röösli, M., 2021. Cardiovascular mortality and transportation noise: a prospective Swiss cohort study. Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2021, 50th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. Washington, D.C.: INCE, Reston, VA 2019
Tangermann, L., Vienneau, D., Hattendorf, J., Saucy, A., Künzli, N., Schäffer, B., … Röösli, M. (2022). The association of road traffic noise with problem behaviour in adolescents: a cohort study. Environmental Research, 207, 112645 (9 pp.).
Vienneau, D., Saucy, A., Schäffer, B., Flückiger, B., Tangermann, L., Stafoggia, M., … Röösli, M. (2022). Transportation noise exposure and cardiovascular mortality: 15-years of follow-up in a nationwide prospective cohort in Switzerland. Environment International, 158, 106974 (9 pp.).
Tangermann, L., Vienneau, D., Saucy, A., Hattendorf, J., Schäffer, B., Wunderli, J. M., & Röösli, M. (2023). The association of road traffic noise with cognition in adolescents: a cohort study in Switzerland. Environmental Research, 218, 115031 (10 pp.).

Projects Archives


Soil Vibration and Auralisation Software Tools for Application in Railways (SILVARSTAR)
The overall goal of SILVARSTAR is to provide the railway community with proven software tools and methodologies to assess the noise and vibration environmental impact of railway traffic on a system level. The first overall objective of SILVARSTAR is to provide the railway community with a commonly accepted, practical and validated methodology and a userfriendly prediction tool for ground vibration impact studies. This tool will be used for environmental impact assessment of new or upgraded railways on a system level. It will provide access to ground vibration predictions to a wider range of suitably qualified engineers and will facilitate project planning and implementation by improved simulation processes.
The second overall objective of SILVARSTAR is to develop a fully functional system for auralisation and visualisation based on physically correct synthesised railway noise, providing interfaces with Virtual Reality visualisation software. This system will facilitate communication with the public, decision makers and designers through virtual experience before delivery of projects.
Empa is responsible for the second overall objective of SILVARSTAR and leads the corresponding work package and conducts the major work on the development of a fully functional system for auralisation of railway noise.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Funding: Horizon 2020, Shift2rail
Partner: Empa, University of Southampton, KU Leuven, VibraTec, Wölfel, unife, Bandara VR
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Publications: Pieren, R., Georgiou, F., Squicciarini, G., & Thompson, D. J. (2022). Auralisation of combined mitigation measures in railway pass-by noise. In Proceedings. Internoise 2022 (p. 518 (9 pp.). Internoise.
Bouvet, P., Degrande, G., Thompson, D., Pieren, R., & García, M. (2021). Silvarstar project: soil vibration and auralisation software tools for application in railways. Global Railway Review, 27(6), 6-9.
Pieren, R., Georgiou, F., Thompson, D., Heutschi, K., Squicciarini, G., Rissmann, M., & Bouvet, P. (2021). Methodology for auralisation and virtual reality of railway noise. SILVARSTAR Consortium.
Pieren, R., Georgiou, F., Squicciarini, G., Heutschi, K., & Thompson, D. J. (2023). VR demonstration of railway noise mitigation using auralised train pass-bys. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (7 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).
Bouvet, P., Thompson, D., Pieren, R., Degrande, G., Nuber, A., & Garcia, M. (2023). Soil vibration and auralisation software tools for application in railways. In L. de Picado Santos, J. Pinho de Sousa, & E. Arsenio (Eds.), Transportation research procedia: Vol. 72. TRA Lisbon 2022 conference proceedings transport research arena (TRA Lisbon 2022) (pp. 973-980).

ARTEM - Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental iMpact
With ARTEM (Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental iMpact), seven EREA members and strategic partners have teamed up with leading European universities and major entities of the European aerospace industry in order to address the technology challenges raised in the call MG-1-2-2017 “Reducing aviation noise”. ARTEM aims at the maturing of promising novel concepts and methods which are directly coupled to new low noise and disruptive 2035 and 2050 aircraft configurations. A core topic of ARTEM is the development of innovative technologies for the reduction of aircraft noise at the source. The approach chosen moves beyond the reduction of isolated sources as pure fan or landing gear noise and addresses the interaction of various components and sources - which often contributes significantly to the overall noise emission of the aircraft. Secondly, ARTEM addresses innovative concepts for the efficient damping of engine noise and other sources by the investigation of dissipative surface materials and liners. The chosen technology concepts offer the chance to overcome shortcomings (as the narrow band absorption peak or poor low-frequency performance) of current devices. The tasks proposed will mature, and subsequently down select these technologies by comparative testing in a single relevant test setup. Furthermore, noise shielding potential for future aircraft configurations will be investigated. The noise reduction technologies will be coupled to the modelling of future aircraft configurations as the blended wing body (BWB) and other innovative concepts with integrated engines and distributed electrical propulsion. The impact of those new configurations with low noise technology will be assessed in several ways including industry tools, airport scenario predictions, and auralization. Thereby, ARTEM constitutes a holistic approach for noise reduction for future aircrafts and provides enablers for the expected further increase of air traffic.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Project partners: DLR, AEDS, Airbus, CIRA, CNRS, Comoti, Dassault, EC Lyon, EPFL, ONERA, INCAS, PPS, RRD, SAE, SOTON, TSAGI, TUBS, TUDelft, UBristol, UCP, URoma3, VKI
Project funding: EU – Horizon 2020
Duration: 2017 – 2022
Publications: Schäffer, B., Bertsch, L., Le Griffon, I., Heusser, A., Lavandier, C., & Pieren, R. (2022). Evaluation of flyover auralisations of today's and future long-range aircraft concepts. In Proceedings. Internoise 2022 (p. 571 (8 pp.). Internoise.
Pieren, R., & Lincke, D. (2022). Auralization of aircraft flyovers with turbulence-induced coherence loss in ground effect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), 2453-2460. 
Rizzi, S., LeGriffon, I., Pieren, R., & Bertsch, L. (2020). A comparison of aircraft flyover auralizations by the aircraft noise simulation working group. In AIAA aviation 2020 forum (pp. AIAA 2020-2582 (16 pp.).
Pieren, R., Le Griffon, I., Bertsch, L., Heusser, A., Centracchio, F., Weintraub, D., … Schäffer, B. (2024). Perception-based noise assessment of a future blended wing body aircraft concept using synthesized flyovers in an acoustic VR environment - The ARTEM study. Aerospace Science and Technology, 144, 108767 (19 pp.).
Pieren, R., Le Griffon, I., Bertsch, L., Heusser, A., Centracchio, F., Weintraub, D., … Schäffer, B. (2024). Perception-based noise assessment of a future blended wing body aircraft concept using synthesized flyovers in an acoustic VR environment - The ARTEM study. Aerospace Science and Technology, 144, 108767 (19 pp.).

Experimental and numerical track system evaluation: Methodology for finding optimal components (Track Evaluation)
In recent years, many new components have been developed to decrease railway noise radiation, mitigate ground vibrations, and reduce track maintenance costs by protecting the ballast. Today, railway infrastructure managers are facing the challenge to evaluate and select the best components available for its future railway implementations and renewal.
However, due to the large number of combinations and the amount of time and work required to evaluate each potential solution, there is a critical need to be able to evaluate and preselect components more efficiently, using simpler lab scale measurements to characterize the components combined with numerical models to estimate multiple track performance criteria.
Based on the work undertaken previously in the Novel Rail Pad project, the goal of this project is i) to develop a combined experimental & numerical evaluation method to provide a prognosis of different track component combinations in terms of their performance for noise, vibrations and ballast protection and ii) use these prediction tools to explore the design space of component properties to identify the best combination of components to match a given performance target and thus allow railway infrastructure managers to formulate detailed system specifications in their procurements.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Partner: HEIG-VD
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2022 - 2023


Expansion of the acoustic source database for civil aircraft of sonAIR - AirCLOUD

Three objectives are pursued in the project AirCLOUD:
1) Acoustic emission models of recently introduced aircraft types will be created based on measurements at Zurich Airport. On this basis, the emission database of the aircraft noise model sonAIR – as well as FLULA2 – will be updated.
2) Aircraft noise calculations with sonAIR require information on thrust setting and, where available, configuration of the aircraft. However, this information is usually not accessible. Using machine learning approaches and training data provided by Swiss, a methodology is being developed to estimate these parameters for situations in which only radar data is available.
3) In addition to the machine learning approaches, a methodology will be developed to directly determine the engine speed from pure tone components in sound recordings.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partners: Swiss International Airlines, Flughafen Zürich AG
Project funding: FOCA
Duration: 2021 – 2023
Publications: Ramseier, T., & Pieren, R. (2023). Estimation of the fan rotational speed using flyover audio recordings. Journal of Aircraft.
Meister, J. (2023). Thrust estimation for departing jet aircraft using position data based on a machine learning approach. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (5 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).

DD-FORMS: Data-driven fast optimization of resonant metamaterial structures
In recent years, resonant metamaterials have garnered much interest because of their potential to break with traditional design principles in noise and vibration management. By virtue of a carefully designed micro- or mesostructure, metamaterials display exotic macroscopic properties, such as vibrational band gaps, that do not exist in known bulk materials. However, modeling and optimizing these emergent properties is a challenging multiscale problem. The process remains computationally intractable in many cases due to the heavy reliance on expensive finite-element analyses and/or topology optimizations.
To address this challenge, the present project focuses on applying data science techniques in the design of resonant metamaterial structures. In particular, we target vibration reduction in finite-sized elastic plates by integrating 3D-printed mechanical resonators, which is treated as an optimization problem in both the arrangement and the dynamics of the resonators. Where possible, costly high-fidelity simulations and optimizations will be replaced with data-driven surrogates to drastically reduce the computational load. On the one hand, the inverse design problem of creating resonators with a desired dynamic response will be addressed, for instance by applying tandem neural networks. On the other hand, we will investigate the optimal arrangement of resonators for maximum vibration reduction. Here, Bayesian optimization techniques may offer an efficient solution. The range of material and geometric properties obtainable via the 3D-printing process will be identified and taken into account.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Funding: SDSC
Partner: SDSC, Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing (Empa)
Duration: 2021 - 2023

Acoustic Characterization of fungi-treated Violins
How does a fungi-treatment of the tone-wood affect the acoustic properties of violins? An experimental investigation of the structure-borne and the radiated sound fields of different violins – treated and untreated – is performed in the anechoic laboratories. A subsequent psycho-acoustic investigation focusses on the perception and endeavors to single out significant acoustic properties of the individual instruments.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Partner/Funding: Fischli-Stiftung, Allschwil, CH
Duration: 2017 – 2023

Novel Rail Pads for Improved Noise Reduction and Reduced Track Maintenance
The goal of the project is to develop a novel rail pad system that is optimized with respect to both railway noise reduction and protection of the railway superstructure against transient loads and vibrations. The desired property profile of the novel rail pad cannot be obtained with existing materials, but requires tailoring of the structure and function of the rail pad system at multiple levels and length scales.
We will complement experimental methods with state-of-the-art modelling in order, for the first time, to establish rigorous structure-property relationships, and provide detailed guidelines for combined materials selection and device geometry optimization.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Partners: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL (LMOM, LPAC, LMAF, LTS2, TRACE), SBB
Funding: FOEN
Duration Phase I: 2017 – 2019
Duration Phase II: 2020 - 2023
Publication: Balamonica, K., Morin, B., Plummer, C. J. G., Michaud, V., Cugnoni, J., Oertli, J., … van Damme, B. (2022). Characterization of contact parameters for discrete element modelling of Swiss railway ballast. In The fifth international conference on railway technology: research, development and maintenance (p. (6 pp.). Elsevier.
Morin, B., Plummer, C. J. G., Kalyanasundaram, B., Michaud, V., Cugnoni, J., Oertli, J., … Van Damme, B. (2022). A fast analytical tool to investigate effects of railway superstructure components on track dynamics. In The fifth international conference on railway technology: research, development and maintenance (p. (5 pp.). Elsevier.
Balamonica, K., Bergamini, A., & Van Damme, B. (2023). Estimation of the dynamic stiffness of railway ballast over a wide frequency range using the discrete element method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 547, 117533 (13 pp.).


Impact sound insulation of solid wood floors with acoustic black hole (TriMASL)
Use of so-called "acoustic black holes" to improve the impact sound insulation in solid wood floors. This reduces the mass of floor toppings that was previously necessary for sound-insulation, thus further expanding the technical and economic advantages of timber construction. The aim of the investigation is the development of design and optimization methods and the implementation of a technology de-monstrator.
Contact: Stefan Schoenwald
Project funding: BAFU
Duration: 2019 - 2022
Publication: Schoenwald, S. (2022). Planungstools aus der Schweiz. In Forum Holzbau (2022): Forum Holzbau 6. Internationale Fachtagung Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik (BGT). Holzbau/Trockenbau/Innenausbau (p. (10 pp.). Forum-holzbau (fhb).
Vallely, S., & Schoenwald, S. (2023). An efficient analytical method to obtain the homogenised frequency-independent elastic material properties of cross-laminated timber elements. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 546, 117424 (24 pp.).
Schoenwald, S., & Vallely, S. (2023). Cross laminated timber elements with functional grading and localised ballast to improve airborne and impact sound insulation. In Forum Acusticum 2023. Convention of the European Acoustics Association (p. (6 pp.). The European Acoustics Association (EAA).

Optimized high-lift system for low noise approaches, including best configuration for landing (DYNCAT)
DYNCAT aims at enabling more environmentally friendly and more predictable flight profiles in the Terminal Manoeuvring Area TMA, namely on approach, by supporting the pilots in configuration management. Approach and take-off operations at busy airports are virtually always less noise and fuel efficient than possible due very rigid constraints imposed on the flight profiles by Air Traffic Control ATC (concerning both vertical profiles and speed regimes), but also due to lack of support to the pilots for dealing with given restrictions/constraints and actual weather in the optimum way. Current FMS functionalities do not support configuration management very well, only a simplified, static high-lift sequence with a fixed order is available. The adequacy of actual procedure flown depends very much on the pilots' skills, but also on their access to information such as actual wind situation and ATC intents.
The objectives of the project are (a) to analyze the impact of current mismatch of aircraft and ATC procedures on flyability (pilot workload, safety) and environmental impact (fuel burn and CO2; noise), (b) to propose amendments to on-board and ground procedures including identification of necessary enablers (technical, regulatory) and (c) to quantify ecological and economical potential of proposed improvements, including the prediction of 4D Trajectories, through exemplary analysis and early prototype simulation of newly designed configuration management functionality.
The study will be done exemplarily using the A320 family as reference aircraft and the development of new FMS functionalities for the optimization of the high-lift system sequencing during approach as use case. Access to recordings of actual flight operational data, associated ATC instructions issued, weather data and noise measurements for a large number of operations in Swiss airspace on one hand and the implementation of the improved functionalities on an industrial test platform on the other allow for high validity and relevance of the results.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Funding: Horizon 2020 (SESAR)
Partner: DLR, Swiss Airlines, THALES, SkyLab
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Publication: Abdelmoula, F., Roeser, M. S., Kühne, C. G., Gerber, M., & Wunderli, J. M. (2022). Impact of ATC speed instructions on fuel consumption and noise exposure: an assessment of real operations in Zurich. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
Gerber, M., Schreiber, Y., Abdelmoula, F., Kühne, C. G., Jäger, D., & Wunderli, J. M. (2022). Energy-optimized approaches: a challenge from the perspectives of pilots and air traffic controllers. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.


Urban Mining for Low Noise Urban Roads and Optimized Design of Street Canyons
The soundscape of urban situations is often dominated by road traffic noise. In densely populated areas, noise can cause serious health problems and therefore, city planners are seeking for suitable design strategies to improve the acoustical quality of public spaces.
This SNF funded project aims for a multidisciplinary approach to optimize urban roads and street canyon designs. It is structured in four modules:
1) Development of low noise pavements to improve comfort and health of urban dwellers.
2) Identification of waste materials from the urban environment, for the purpose of producing low noise pavements.
3) Exploration of the noise reduction potential by modification of absorption and reflection properties of the surfaces that form urban street canyons and evaluation of the measures from a subjective point of view by auralisation and listening tests.
4) Improvement and extension of existing methods in Life Cycle Impact Assessment based on the results obtained in module 3).
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Partner/Funding: Empa Road Engineering / Sealing Components Laboratory, ETHZ Ecological Systems Design, SNF
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Publications: Mikhailenko, P., Piao, Z., Kakar, M. R., Bueno, M., Athari, S., Pieren, R., … Poulikakos, L. (2022). Low-noise pavement technologies and evaluation techniques: a literature review. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 23(6), 1911-1934.
Piao, Z., Waldner, U., Heutschi, K., Poulikakos, L. D., & Hellweg, S. (2022). Modified life cycle assessment for low-noise urban roads including acoustics and monetarization. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, 112, 103475 (13 pp.).
Poulikakos, L. D., Athari, S., Mikhailenko, P., Kakar, M. R., Bueno, M., Piao, Z., … Heutschi, K. (2022). Effect of waste materials on acoustical properties of semi-dense asphalt mixtures. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, 102, 103154 (14 pp.).
Athari, S. (2023). A hybrid acoustics simulation of 3D urban street canyon design scenarios with multiple reflections used for auralising a moving sound source [Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich].


Data Science Enabled Acoustic Design – AADS
Ansprechpartner: Kurt Heutschi
Projekförderung: Swiss Data Science Center
Projektpartner: Swiss Data Science Center, Gramazio Kohler Research - ETH Zürich, Strauss Electroakoustik
Dauer: 2018-2020

Multisensory dimensions of forest attractiveness
Current research results provide clear indications that negative effects of noise, both in terms of annoyance and health effects, can be reduced by the presence of green spaces and recreational areas. Particularly in urban areas, the design of public spaces and the maintenance and promotion of local recreational areas can therefore contribute to reducing the negative effects of noise pollution. These forms of noise protection shall be evaluated with regard to their effectiveness and further developed in their implementation in order to meet the conflicting requirements of noise protection and spatial planning. Within the framework of this project, Empa, in collaboration with WSL, will investigate the question of what requirements forests in urban areas must meet in order to fulfil their function as recreational areas, and what defines the quality of forest recreation areas.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Funding: FOEN
Partner: WSL
Duration: 2020
Publications: Hegetschweiler, K. T., Maidl, E., Wunderli, J. M., Stride, C. B., Fischer, C., Wunderli, L., … Hunziker, M. (2023). Influence of perceptual experiences, especially sounds, on forest attractiveness. In L. Koegst, O. Kühne, & D. Edler (Eds.), RaumFragen: Stadt-Region-Landschaft. Multisensory landscapes. Theories and methods (pp. 255-277).

Man - made elastic structures (often referred to as metastructures) are promising in applications where filtering, focusing or channeling of elastic waves is required. Few examples encompassing different length scales include shielding of buildings from seismic waves, enhanced damping of undesired vibrations of industrial machinery, frequency up-conversion or down-conversion.  However, as we head towards metastructure's massproduction, some important limitations associated with their modelling need to be addressed.  In fact, current models of their dynamic response mainly rely on structural periodicity and bulk behavior. The first and main goal of this project is to develop efficient and accurate FEM algorithms able to predict the dynamic response of non-periodic metastructures, embedded into hosting elastic materials.  The second objective of the project is to validate those simulation tools on the dynamic response of aperiodic metastructures, whose tiling involves two or more overlapping periodicities. We envisage the use of (I) model-order-reduction techniques - to mitigate the numerical demand of the proposed metastructures (complex geometries, irregular boundaries) - and (II) topological optimization techniques - to achieve desired dynamic properties. The proposed materials-by-designs will finally be tested experimentally using 3D-printed prototypes.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Funding:  Empa
Duration: 2019 – 2021
Publications: Tallarico, D., Bergamini, A., & Van Damme, B. (2023). Long-range order Bragg scattering and its effect on the dynamic response of a Penrose-like phononic crystal plate. Physical Review B, 107(17), 174201 (12 pp.).

OSCAr: Acoustically optimized street canyons
Street canyons in urban areas with a high building density exhibit challenging acoustic environments for the residents and passerby. The multiple sound reflections between the opposite facades not only enhance the noise level and consequently noise annoyance, but can also impair speech intelligibility and acoustic comfort.  
Mandated by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Empa is investigating the acoustic quality in street canyons. Thereby, various building arrangements and facades are being simulated. By means of laboratory experiments (i.e. listening tests) it will be investigated and quantified to what extent the building geometry, as well as the facade structure and absorption, influence noise annoyance and acoustic comfort.
Contact: Kurt Eggenschwiler
Partner/Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2019 – 2021
Publication: Eggenschwiler, K., Heutschi, K., Taghipour, A., Pieren, R., Gisladottir, A., & Schäffer, B. (2022). Urban design of inner courtyards and road traffic noise: influence of façade characteristics and building orientation on perceived noise annoyance. Building and Environment, 224, 109526 (17 pp.).

Noise Protection in Wooden Buildings
Complaints about noise intrusion from neighboring dwellings, especially from people walking, are still a major problem in multi-family wooden buildings.  The goal of the project “Noise Protection in Wooden Buildings” lead by Lignum and in collaboration with Empa and the Bern University of Applied Sciences is to improve acoustic comfort in modern multi-family wooden buildings in Switzerland by generating knowledge on the airborne and impact sound insulation and disseminating it for the engineers and planers.  The role of Empa’s Laboratory of Acoustics/Noise Control within this project is the experimental investigation of sound transmission through building elements and in mock-ups of typical Swiss wooden buildings in the lightweight construction sound transmission research platform and the analysis of the data. Further, Empa post-processes the data for the use as input data for engineering models for the prediction and optimization of airborne and impact sound insulation. Empa derived simplified engineering models from prediction models for heavy construction, such as concrete and masonry that are well established in Europe. These models can be applied by practitioners and engi-neers already in the stage of design of wooden buildings. The project is funded by the “Aktionsplan Holz” of the Swiss Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN) and a consortium of industry partners.
Contact: Stefan Schoenwald
Project partners: Lignum, BFH-AHB, Industriepartner
Project funding: Lignum
Duration: 2016 – 2020

Comparison of the Aircraft Noise Calculation Programs sonAIR, FLULA2 and AEDT
In this study, we compare noise exposure measurements with calculations of several thousand single flights at Zurich and Geneva airport, Switzerland, of three aircraft noise calculation programs: sonAIR, a next-generation aircraft noise calculation program, and two best-practice programs FLULA2 and AEDT. Overall, all three programs show good results, with mean differences between calculations and measurements smaller than ±0.5 dB. sonAIR performs clearly better than the two best-practice programs if additional flight parameter data are available. However, in situations without these data, sonAIR performs similarly well as FLULA2 and AEDT. In conclusion, all three programs are well suited to determine averaged noise metrics resulting from scenarios consisting of many flights, while sonAIR is additionally capable to accurately simulate single flights in greater detail.
Details: see
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2020
Publications: Meister, J., Schalcher, S., Wunderli, J. M., & Schäffer, B. (2022). Validation of three aircraft noise calculation models. In Proceedings. Internoise 2022 (p. 433 (8 pp.). Internoise.
Wunderli, J. M., Meister, J., Jäger, D., Schalcher, S., Zellmann, C., & Schäffer, B. (2022). Aircraft noise in situations with grazing sound incidence - comparing different modeling approaches. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(5), 3140-3151.


Data Science Enabled Acoustic Design – AADS
Ansprechpartner: Kurt Heutschi
Projekförderung: Swiss Data Science Center
Projektpartner: Swiss Data Science Center, Gramazio Kohler Research - ETH Zürich, Strauss Electroakoustik
Dauer: 2018-2020

Shunted electroactive membrane absorbers (SEMA)
Resonating thin membranes in front of an air cavity are efficient sound absorbers. The frequency of maximum absorption depends on the membranes stiffness, pretension, and geometry. Low frequency sound absorption requires large membranes or thick cavities. Tuning membrane low frequency absorbers is not straightforward. If the membrane's strain generates a voltage, the electromechanical coupling can be used to tune its resonance frequency in a different way. A circuit consisting of the capacitive membrane, a resistor and an inductance gives rise to an electrical resonance, at which the membrane's stiffness is significantly reduced. The electrical eigenfrequency can be easily tuned to any frequency, independent of the tension in the membrane. This project investigates practical ways of achieving high sound absorption using this principle.
Contact: Bart Van Damme
Funding: SNSF
Duration: 2020

Prediction of sound insulation in multi-storey solid wooden construction (SPiMM)
The share of timber construction in multi-storey new buildings is also increasing steadily in Switzerland. A detailed sound insulation calculation has not yet been possible. In order to make noise control pre-dictable, calculation processes are reviewed in this first project phase, taking into account the connec-tions between solid wood components: The applicability of the methods required for the calculation and the availability of the necessary input data are investigate exemplarily at a building junction with rigid connetions.
Contact: Stefan Schoenwald
Project funding: BAFU
Duration: 2020

Development of a calculation tool for a low-noise operation of multicopters
It is becoming apparent that the use of multicopters will increase strongly in the coming years, not only privately but also commercially. Authorization of commercial use must cover not only flight safety aspects but also noise issues. In the present project, a tool is therefore being developed which provides the necessary basis for this. The tool is based on sonAIR, the existing software for calculating aircraft noise. sonAIR will be expanded to allow the planning of operations of commercially used, electrically operated multicopter aircraft and the calculation of the resulting noise pollution. Furthermore, recommendations for low-noise products and noise-reduced operations will be developed, thus contributing to the reduction of noise pollution.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Funding: FOCA
Partner: ALR, n-Sphere, Meteomatics, Matternet
Duration: 2019 - 2020
Publications: Wunderli, J. M., Meister, J., Boolakee, O., & Heutschi, K. (2023). A method to measure and model acoustic emissions of multicopters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 96 (17 pp.).

Implementation of a pilot assisting system for low noise landing procedures at Zurich Airport
This project aims at further developing the pilot assistance system LNAS of the German Aerospace Center DLR, to allow different types of approaches such as Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) respecting the specific environment of Zurich airport (terrain, airspace restrictions, etc.). Taking into account the pilots user requirements, the human-machine interface shall be improved for an intuitive display of the aircraft configuration change and flight mode commands on an approach map. Additionally, the ATC information about the distance to threshold shall be used to optimize the vertical flight profile. In a one-week flight campaign the system will be demonstrated using the DLR Airbus A320 ATRA (Advanced Technology Research Aircraft) with regular airline pilots operating in the Zurich airport environment to reduce noise with optimized approach profiles and aircraft configuration changes. Noise measurements and subsequent single flight simulations with sonAIR based on FDR data will be conducted by EMPA to analyze the potential of this pilot assistance system. An operational trial with LNAS on aircrafts of Swiss Airline and related 3-month noise measurements is an option of this project.  Industrialization of LNAS is the long-term goal after successful demonstration.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner/Funding: SkyLab, DLR, Zurich Airport, skyguide, Swiss Airlines, Swiss Air Force / FOCA, Office of Transport of the Canton of Zurich (AFV)
Duration: 2018 – 2020
SRF-Beitrag "Schweiz aktuell" vom 10.9.2019

Currently the Federal Noise Abatement Commission discusses in the context of a harmonization of noise abatement and land-use planning regulations the following questions: Are negative effects of traffic noise reduced in the presence of local recreational areas? If yes, could an installation or upgrading of such recreational areas be seen as a noise mitigation measure?
FOEN advised Empa to investigate these questions by reanalysing the survey sample dataset of the SiRENE study. To that purpose additional information on general properties, distance and accessibility of recreational areas should be collected and combined with the present dataset.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner/Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2018 – 2020
Publication: Schäffer, B., Brink, M., Schlatter, F., Vienneau, D., & Wunderli, J. M. (2020). Residential green is associated with reduced annoyance to road traffic and railway noise but increased annoyance to aircraft noise exposure. Environment International, 143, 105885 (13 pp.).

Mandated by FOEN, Empa is trying to elucidate the role of single noise events and quiet interim phases on annoyance, based on unfocussed listening tests. The results shall be used to discuss whether future rating levels for traffic noise shall solely rely on average levels such as Leq or if they should be complemented by additional correction factors like the number of pass-bys.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner/Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2018 – 2020
Publication: Schäffer, B., Taghipour, A., Wunderli, J. M., Brink, M., Bartha, L., & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2022). Does the macro-temporal pattern of road traffic noise affect noise annoyance and cognitive performance? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4255 (24 pp.).

Schallabsorption von Wandpanel-Unikaten
Es wurden schallabsorbierende Wandpaneele entwickelt, welche massgeschneidert in den Kontext der Raumarchitektur und der Ästhetik eingepasst werden können - individuell entworfen und produziert (handgewoben). Dabei konnte eine hohe Schallabsorption erreicht werden, und es zeigte sich, dass unter Einhaltung von Regeln die handgewobenen Stoffe zu einer für die Praxis vernachlässigbaren Streuung der Absorptionswerte führen.
Kontakt: Kurt Eggenschwiler
Finanzierung: Innovationsscheck
Laufzeit: 2019 - 2020

BiMeWAVES aims to develop a new class of innovative materials capable of controlling acoustic and elastic waves by adapting the concept of hierarchical structure derived from biological systems to a new class of artificially engineered media, i.e. the so-called elastic Metamaterials (MMs).
The project integrates inter-disciplinary aspects such as: (1) biological inspiration driving the (2) design, manufacturing and optimization of innovative materials guiding the conclusive (3) proof-of-concept experiments aimed at providing the society with novel applicative tools in diverse technological fields, ranging from noise abatement to non-destructive evaluation and underwater acoustics.
Contact: Armin Zemp
Funding: Marie Curie COFUND
Duration: 2018 – 2020

Validation of the aircraft noise simulation model sonAIR
Validation of the aircraft noise simulation model sonAIR based on measurement data, which was not used in the model development. To that purpose also measurement data from external partners will be used. In addition some open issues of the initial project phase will be studied in more detail.  
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner: Swiss International Airlines, DLR, TU Delft
Project funding: FOCA
Duration: 2017 – 2018

Estimation of flight parameters based on radar data
Besides position, orientation and speed, the sonAIR sound source models also needs information on thrust setting and configuration as input parameters. However this information is generally not available. Therefore methods shall be developed on how to estimate aircraft mass, thrust setting and configuration based on radar data. On that basis the range of applications of sonAIR can be substantially extended and will allow to calculate entire airport scenarios in the future.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner: Swiss International Airlines
Project funding: FOCA
Duration: 2017 – 2018

Development and operation of a monitoring system for aircraft noise for the specific demands of sonAIR
In this project a mobile monitoring system together with an automized analysis system shall be developed with the goal of regularly updating the emission database of sonAIR. The monitoring system shall then be used to derive sound source models for recently introduced and modified aircraft types of Swiss International Airlines, such as Bombardier C-Series, Boeing B777 and the modified Airbus A320-family.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Partner: Swiss International Airlines, skyguide
Project funding: FOCA
Duration: 2017 – 2019

Towards Noise and Weight Reduction by Application of FRP Wheelsets for Freight Wagons
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials shall be used to manufacture a train wheelset which will generate less noise and leads to a significant weight reduction of the wheelset. The technical feasibility is verified in this project in collaboration with our partners.
Contact: Armin Zemp
Partners: Laboratory for Structural Engineering (Empa), Carbo-Link, PROSE AG
Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2017 – 2018

IDeAL (Impact Driven Assessment of novel Low-noise aircraft concepts) Pilot study
The goal of the IDeAL project is to optimize novel low-noise aircraft concepts and alternative flight procedures with respect to human perception and annoyance.  
The simulation and development of aircraft concepts and flight procedures is done by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Its results provide the necessary inputs for auralizations done by Empa. Based on listening tests perceived loudness and annoyance shall be evaluated and used as a feedback-loop to optimize the design. In this pilot study a proof of concept, an identification of open research questions as well as an assessment of the existing optimization potential shall be accomplished.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Project partners: DLR
Project funding: BAFU
Duration: 2017 – 2018
Available Publication

Under the umbrella of the European Shift2Rail initiative to support research and innovation in rail product solutions, the project DESTINATE aims to develop tools and methodologies for railway noise simulation and cost-benefit analysis of mitigation actions of interior and exterior noise. Empa is involved in the auralisation and visualization of noise mitigation measures with the goal to more accurately predict peoples response to exterior noise from a residents perspective and to interior noise from a passengers perspective.
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project partners: Technische Universität Berlin (Coordinator), TUB, Germany, Politechnika Poznańska, PUT, Poland, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UNEW, UK, Müller-BBM GmbH, MBBM, Germany, Sound Advice in Technology, Innovation and Strategy, SATIS, The Netherlands, Stadler Rail Valencia, STAV, Spain, Netherlands Aerospace Centre, NLR, The Netherlands
Project funding: EU Horizon 2020
Duration: 2016-2018
Empa communication
Videos (standard)
Videos (360°)

Coating of freight wagons for noise mitigation
The goal of this project is to assess the effectiveness of a coating applied to freight wagons for noise mitigation. Besides the sensitivity of the coating material to wear, the impact on the vibratory response of the silo before and after coating as well as the reduction of the noise emission during loading and draining of gravel are experimentally investigated.
Contact: Armin Zemp
Project Partner: Josef Meyer Rail
Project Funding: FOEN
Duration: 2016 - 2017

The Sound of Brass: The Materiality, acoustics and history of brass instruments, based on the example of historically informed replica of German trombones
How were early brass instruments constructed, and of what? If we build copies using historic manufacturing techniques, what impact does this have on their playing characteristics and their sound? And can we measure this?
Many questions on the materiality and the production technology of historical brass instruments remain unanswered today. This project is intended to use reconstructions of the legendary German trombones of the 19th and early 20th centuries to reacquire the techniques of historical craftsmen. The acousticians of Empa are investigating their influence on the playing characteristics and on the radiated sound. The reconstructions of German orchestral trombones built in the course of this applied research will ultimately be presented in concert.
Contact: Armin Zemp
Project Funding: CTI
Duration: 2015–2018


The goal of the project OST is the development of tool to simulate railway rolling noise. The different steps from the excitation mechanisms to vibration propagation to sound radiation and propagation shall be modelled as close to physics as possible. The tool shall be used in a later step to develop acoustically optimized track constructions. The project is financed by FOEN and FOT and is conducted in collaboration with the technical universities of Berlin and Munich.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Project partner: TU Berlin, TU München
Project funding: BAV, FOEN
Duration: 2015 - 2017

Listening tests to assess the annoyance of helicopter noise compared to wing-mounted propeller driven aircraft
Listening tests are performed in the lab to determine the annoyance rating of helicopters and wing-mounted propeller driven aircraft in different procedures (take-off, landing, cruise). On this basis a source-specific level correction relative to the A-weighted sound exposure level (LAE) shall be deduced for small aircraft.
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2016 - 2017


Participation in the interdisciplinary project SiRENE (Short and Long Term Effects of Traffic Noise Exposure), which investigates acute, short- and long-term effects of road, railway and aircraft noise exposure on annoyance, sleep disturbances and cardiometabolic risk. SiRENE is funded by SNF-Sinergia and is supported by the Federal Noise Abatement Commission EKLB as well as the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Project partner: Uni Basel, Swiss TPH, n-Sphere, FOEN
Project funding: SNF, FOEN
Duration: 2013 - 2016

In the SiRENE project a nationwide assessment of road, railway and aircraft noise exposure was conducted and a socio-acoustic study with 5600 participants was performed. SIAS is a follow-up study in which interviews with about 100 participants of the SiRENE study are carried out at their homes to elucidate – among others – the role of open windows for the well-being of the inhabitants. On that occasion on the one hand short-term measurements are performed to determine the inside-outside level difference for different window positions (closed, tilted, open). On the other hand sound-level meters are flush mounted on the outer face of the closed window to record A-weighted equivalent sound pressure levels in a temporal resolution of 1 s during one week. The first measurements are used to establish a model for inside-outside level differences, the second to validate the exposure modelling of SiRENE.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Project partner: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel; n-Sphere, Zürich.Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2016 - 2017

Neue Untersuchungen zum Messverfahren zur Simulation haustechnischer Benutzungsgeräusche mit dem Pendelfallhammer gemäss Schweizer Norm SIA 181 „Schallschutz im Hochbau"
Mit der Neufassung der Schweizer Norm SIA 181 „Schallschutz im Hochbau“ im Jahr 2006 wurde ein Messverfahren zur Simulation von Benutzergeräuschen bei Badewannen, Duschwannen, Waschbecken etc. mit einem Pendelfallhammer eingeführt. Trotz den nicht bezweifelten Vorteilen der Messmethode tauchten in den letzten Jahren vermehrt Fragen zu verschiedenen Problemstellungen auf. Die Eigen-schaften des Pendelfallhammers sind in der Norm nur unzureichend spezifiziert und es mangelt an ei-nem Verfahren, um diese periodisch zu überprüfen. Das Messverfahren ist zu wenig detailliert be-schrieben, so dass sich z.B. je nach Wahl der Anregungspunkte unter Umständen sehr unterschiedliche Resultate ergeben können. Es werden auch keine Angaben zur Messunsicherheit gemacht. Die Norm gibt  für verschiedene Anregungssituationen Korrekturpegel zur Berücksichtigung der Unterschiede zwischen dem Pegel der Originalgeräusche und dem mit dem Pendelfallhammer erzeugten. Diese Kor-rekturwerte werden zum Teil in Frage gestellt. Zudem wird behauptet, dass der durch Schallabstrahlung vom untersuchten Bauteil übertragene Luftschallanteil, je nach baulicher Situation, zu hoch sei und das Messergebnis verfälschen kann. Im Projekt werden die Fragen geklärt und ein Input zur Revision der Norm SIA 181 geleistet.

Ansprechpartner: Kurt Eggenschwiler
Projektförderung: suissetec, BAFU
Projektdauer: 2017-2018


Annoyance caused by wind turbine compared to road traffic noise
On behalf of FOEN listening tests are performed in collaboration with the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (D) in which participants rate the annoyance caused by different acoustic situations of wind turbine and road traffic noise. With these tests, the (increased) noise annoyance caused by wind turbine compared to road traffic noise can be investigated and quantified. In addition, in a separate experiment special acoustic characteristics of wind turbines are investigated which can influence noise annoyance (e.g., amplitude modulation).

Contact: Beat Schäffer
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2014 - 2016

In the frame of the Eureka project Ecovehicle, methods to identify and promote environmentally friendly road and rail vehicles are developed together with foreign partners. The work of the Swiss project team: Empa labs Road Engineering / Sealing Components, Automotive Powertrain Technologies and Acoustics / Noise Control and Quantis is funded by Bafu, ASTRA and ARE.
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project partner: Empa, Road Engineering / Sealing Components Laboratory, Empa, Automotive Powertrain Technologies, Sciotech Projects, UK, TDC Systems, UK, SVUM, CZ, Kistler, CH
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2014 - 2017

On behalf of Bafu the existing road traffic noise emission model is updated. The model will fit to the properties of the new vehicle fleet and will allow for investigating in greater detail parameters that influence noise emission.
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project funding: FOEN
Duration: 2015 - 2017


Within the framework of the sonAIR project we are developing a new calculation model with which low-noise landing and take-off procedures can be computationally validated and acoustically optimized.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Project partner: n-Sphere, BeSB, SciTracks
Project funding: FOCA, FOEN, Canton of Zurich, airports Zurich and Geneva, skyguide
Duration: 2013 - 2016

Development and maintenance of the shooting noise model sonARMS.
Contact: Jean Marc Wunderli
Project funding: FOEN, Canton of Zurich, Canton of Graubünden
Duration: 2012 - 2016

In the Marie-Curie project SONORUS early stage researchers are educated as “Urban Sound Planers”. In the context of this project a tool to auralise aircraft noise will be developed.
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project partner: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Chalmers, Sweden, Eindhoven University of Technology, TUe, The Netherlands, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, SUN, Italy, The University of Sheffield, USFD, UK, Ghent University, UGENT, Belgium, Müller-BBM, MBBM, Germany, The Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA, Italy, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Project funding: EU Marie Curie
Duration: 2012 - 2016

Automatic speaker recognition systems identify humans by their voice.
Contact: Ulrike Glavitsch
Project funding: Gebert Rüf Stiftung
Duration: 2014 - 2016

Shockwave propagation in urban environments
On behalf of armasuisse a model is developed to numerically simulate and predict explosions and the subsequent nonlinear shockwave propagation in urban environments. The simulations will form a basis to determine safety distances.
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project funding: armasuisse
Duration: 2014 - 2016

Traffic Noise Auralisator: Within the research project TAURA, a traffic noise auralisator will be developed that covers road traffic and railway noise. The key element is a synthesizer that simulates the acoustical emission of a great many of different vehicles, operating on a wide variety of surfaces and under different operating conditions. To obtain the corresponding steering parameters, a hierarchic synthesizer structure with core parameters and global parameters is proposed. Together with the simulation of sound propagation phenomena and a multi-channel reproduction system, complex traffic noise scenarios can be artificially generated and ultimately listened at.
Contact: Reto Pieren
Project funding: SNF
Duration: 2014 - 2016

PhD Thesis  “Direct and Flanking Transmission in Combined Heavyweight and Lightweight Structures“
The aim of this work is to significantly extend calculation techniques for determining sound transmission in wooden structures. This will allow the accuracy of predictions to be significantly increased in comparison to the current, unsatisfactory methods.
PhD Student: Claire Churchill
Supervisor: Prof. Carl Hopkins, Acoustics Research Unit, University of Liverpool


Investigation of low frequency building acoustic measurements in small rooms
Contact: Stefan Schoenwald
Project funding: BAFU

Investigation of ground vibration caused by railway-turnout interactions
Contact: Armin Zemp
Project funding: SBB

Noise emission model for parked trains
Contact: Barbara Locher
Project funding: BAFU, SBB

Optimizing PC-21 Noise Emissions
Contact: Beat Schäffer
Project funding: armasuisse

VisAsim - Visual-Acoustics Simulation for landscape impact assessment of wind farms
Contact: Kurt Heutschi, Reto Pieren
Project partner: ETH Zürich, PLUS (Projektleitung)
Project funding: SNF


Acoustic Panel System
Each architecture constitutes acoustic resonances. Although this is an important factor in the perception of architectural spaces, it is not properly regarded in the planning process. Generally, this leads to belated “acoustic cosmetics”, which are applied on finished architectures.
This project therefore investigates the possibilities offered by the use of digital design tools and robot based fabrication methods to implement acoustical needs at an early stage into the designprocess of a flexible panelsystem which therefore can be individually adapted to different locations and their specific needs.
Contact: Kurt Eggenschwiler
Project partner: Gramazio & Kohler, Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation, ETH Zürich (Projektleitung), REHAU Vertriebs AG, Jürgen Strauss
Project funding: KTI

ASTRA-Projekt: Nächtliche Immissionsprognosen von Strassenlärm (Hochleistungsstrassen)
Contact: Kurt Heutschi
Project partner: B + S Ingenieur AG
Project funding: ASTRA

Sound-Absorbing, Transparent and Lightweight Acoustic Textiles
The team of Annette Douglas, Weisbrod-Zürrer AG und Empa have succeeded for the first time in developing translucent, lightweight curtains which are also sound absorbing. The drapes, which have been created as part of a CTI sponsored project, are excellent absorbers of noise and can be used in a wide range of applications. Until now only heavy, opaque curtains were capable of absorbing high levels of noise – light, translucent curtains usable for this purpose did not exist. Annette Douglas, a successful designer and winner of many awards, recognized this gap in the market and launched a CTI-supported project together with the innovative textile company Weisbrod-Zürrer AG and Empa (in both St. Gallen und Duebendorf). The aim was to develop translucent, light, non-flammable curtains which would satisfy very high design requirements whilst simultaneously offering good sound absorbing characteristics. The Acoustics / Noise Reduction Laboratory developed a mathematical model which mapped both the microscopic pattern of the textile as well as its macroscopic structure. With the help of a large number of acoustic measurements taken on woven samples purpose-made by Weisbrod-Zürrer, a requirement profile for the acoustic optimization of the textiles was determined. Annette Douglas succeeded in transforming these new results into actual textile samples, following which Weisbrod-Zürrer AG were able to optimize their production processes to allow the required properties to be integrated into textiles manufactured on an industrial scale. The range of sound absorbing materials available has now been extended to include a product which has long been on everyone's "wish list". The new, light, transparent sound absorbing curtains are now on the market and will, in future, help to provide significantly better acoustics in innumerable rooms.
Contact: Kurt Eggenschwiler, Reto Pieren
Project partner: Annette Douglas Textiles AG, Weisbrod-Zürrer
Project funding: KTI


A new method of measuring walking noise on floors
To date in order to evaluate walking noise on a laminated floor the sound of a lady walking on it was directly measured. The aim of the project was to develop a measurement technique which did not require the use of a human subject and also avoided the disadvantage of the ISO tapping machine. A suitable method has been developed and this is been validated by means of a survey. Finally a novel impacting device has been developed which operates very quietly.


Study on the effects of church bells on sleep quality (together with ETH Zurich):
Brink, M., S. Omlin, C. Müller, R. Pieren, and M. Basner, 2011. An event-related analysis of awakening reactions due to nocturnal church bell noise. Science of the Total Environment 409, 5210-5220.

Shooting noise study to establish a scientific basis for Annex 9 of the Noise Abatement Ordinance (together with ETH Zurich)
Brink, M. and J.M. Wunderli, 2010. A field study of the exposure-annoyance relationship of military shooting noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, 2301-2311.

Development of the calculation model sonRAIL on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)


Im Auftrag des BAFU und der Kantone sammelt die Empa ausreichend dokumentierte und qualitativ hochwertige Strassenlärm-Messrohdaten in Form von Einzelvorbeifahrtsmessungen (SPB), Gesamtverkehr-Immissionsmessungen (SEM) und Belagsmessungen (CPX).

Das Bundesamt für Umwelt, BAFU, sowie die Kantone haben die Empa mit dem Betrieb einer Datensammlung für Strassenlärm (ODeSSA: Open Data Strassenlärm-Sammlung) beauftragt. Verwaltungen, Behörden und Ämter, die dem Öffentlichkeitsgesetz unterstehen und sich zum Open Data Prinzip bekennen, sind eingeladen, künftig messtechnische Untersuchungen ODeSSA-konform in Auftrag zu geben und in die Datensammlung integrieren zu lassen. Mittelfristig profitieren sie von der möglichen Mehrfachverwertung der Messdaten und der breiteren Datengrundlage für zusätzliche Analysen. Weitere Angaben zum Konzept und zur Implementierung der Sammlung sowie Muster Excel-Dateien mit den entsprechenden Datenfeldern finden sich hier:
•    Beschreibung von ODeSSA
•    Muster-Excel für die Dateneinlieferung von SPB-Messungen
•    Muster-Excel für die Dateneinlieferung von SEM-Messungen
•    Muster-Excel für die Dateneinlieferung von CPX-Messungen

Textvorlage für die Ausschreibung von Messaufträgen

•    2022
•    2023

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