of Laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
The laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles is active regarding research and development of innovative textile layers and systems. State of the art production processes and special finishing are applied on any textile like soft tissue to characterize the interaction to the human skin.
Our aim is to act as bridge between fundamental research and industry to support a sustainable development of innovative products.
Physical characterisation

- Weight and thickness
- Air permeability (ISO 9237)
- Thermal conductivity (ISO 5085-1, EN 12667)
- Thermal resistance (hot plate, ISO11092)
- Water vapor resitance (hot plate, ISO11092)
- Friction
Heat and mass transfer / physiology

- Torso-Measurement (ISO 18640)
- THS-Measurement
- SAM; sweating agile manikin
- Sweating foot manikin
- Sweating head manikin
Flame and heat protection

- Burnability (e.g. ISO 15025)
- Radiant heat (ISO 6942)
- Convective heat (ISO 9151)
- Henry-Test (Flashover) Manikin (ISO 13506)
- VKF testing (e.g. „Grundtest“, smoke density)
Weather protection

- Water column (ISO 811)
- Rain tower (Manikin, EN 14360)
- Spray-Test
- Surface analytics (e.g. microscopy, SEM)
- Additional services see Solution Services / Advanced Fibers Lab

- Accredited testing lab according ISO/IEC 17025 (STS 0083)
- List of accredited tests see scope STS 0083