GAW station support

Here you can find a collection of useful documents for operation, quality control and maintenance of long-term observations at atmospheric monitoring stations. Feel free to browse the page with the different videos, webinars, presentations, publications, technical tutorials, audit documents, and others.

Technical tutorials (click on the photo to start the video)
tutorial video shows the handling of pressure regulators.


tutorial video shows how to check a high-pressure regulator.








This video describes the experiment to determine the water vapour interference on a GHG analyser.








This video shows how to perform a simple leak test on a Thermo Scientific 49i ozone analyser
This video shows how to perform a cell A/B ozone test to check for leaks in the solenoids of a Thermo Scientific ozone analyzer.
This video shows how to perform a comprehensive leak test on a Thermo Scientific 49i ozone analyser, how to identify faulty solenoid valves and how to replace a faulty solenoid valve inside the instrument.
This video shows how to change the configuration of a Thermo Scientific 49 ozone analyzer to use an external instead of an internal pump.
This video shows how to calibrate a Thermo Scientific 49i-PS ozone calibrator with an ozone reference Instrument.








Presentations / slides as pdf

Steinbacher, M., S. Henne, S. Reimann, L. Emmenegger, Challenges for operational greenhouse gas monitoring - The Swiss perspectives, WMO GHG/Carbon Monitoring Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-12 May 2022. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Y. Kameoka, S. Takatsuji, C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, A. Kinoshita, QA/SAC Switzerland and QA/SAC Japan - contributions to the quality of GAW's GHG observations, GGMT 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 19-21 September 2022. pdf

Steinbacher, M. Greenhouse Gas Observations with Laser Spectroscopy, 6th WCC-SF6 Training and Education Course, virtual, 02 November 2022. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere – measurement techniques, Global Atmosphere Watch Training and Education Centre (GAWTEC) webinar series, second edition, virtual, 04 November, 2021. pdf

Zellweger, C., Measurements of tropopsheric ozone, Global Atmosphere Watch Training and Education Centre (GAWTEC) webinar series, second edition, virtual, 27 October, 2021. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, WMO/GAW Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre Switzerland - Activities and Achievements, Swiss National GAW/GCOS Symposium, virtual, 13-14 September, 2021. pdf

Zellweger, C., Steinbacher, M., L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, World Calibration Centre WCC-Empa - Supporting Global Research and Policies, Swiss National GAW/GCOS Symposium, virtual, 13-14 September, 2021. pdf

Steinbacher, M., S. Henne, Continuous atmospheric composition observations and beyond - from measurements to climate services, BMKG Symposium "Towards excellence in climate and air quality services: Sustaining the past, strengthening the present, empowering the future", virtual, 06-07 August, 2021. pdf

Zellweger, C., World Calibration Centre WCC-Empa: Audits at Bukit Kototabang and world-wide, BMKG Symposium "Towards excellence in climate and air quality services: Sustaining the past, strengthening the present, empowering the future", virtual, 06-07 August, 2021. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, International collaboration in supporting observations in data sparse regions – lessons learnt from the Quality Assurance / Science Activity Centre Switzerland, GAW Quadrennial Symposium 2021, virtual, 28 June-02 July, 2021. pdf

Zellweger, C., Steinbacher, M., L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, WCC-Empa activities improve data availability and data quality, GAW Quadrennial Symposium 2021, virtual, 28 June-02 July, 2021. pdf

Zellweger, C., Steinbacher, M., L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, The revised CO2 calibration scale at the World Calibration Centre WCC-Empa, Virtual Global Monitoring Annual Conference (eGMAC), 24-28 May, 2021. pdf

Steinbacher, M., The Importance of Quality Assurance and Quality Control for long-term in-situ atmospheric composition observations, GAWTEC webinar, virtual, 07 December, 2020. pdf

Steinbacher, M, Long-term observations of atmospheric trace gases: challenges, implementation and operation, BMKG focus group discussion virtual conference, virtual, 12 November, 2020. pdf

Steinbacher, M., WMO/GAW Quality Assurance / Science Activity Centres, Joint GAW Web Meeting of Expert Team- Atmospheric Composition Measurement Quality (ET-ACMQ) and QA-Central Facilities (QA-CF’s), virtual, 29 September, 2020. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, The importance of training for long-term operation of atmospheric greenhouse gas observations, ICOS Science Conference, virtual, 15-17 September, 2020. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Hueglin, S. Reimann, D. Brunner, B. Buchmann, L. Emmenegger, 45 Years of Atmospheric in-situ Trace-Gases Observations at Jungfraujoch, 5th VAO Symposium, Bern, Switzerland, 04-06 February, 2020. pdf

Zellweger, C. et al., Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Low-cost Sensoren: Empfehlungen der WMO, NABEL Tagung, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 16 January 2020. ppsx

Steinbacher, M., Quality Control of Trace Gas Observations, NIES technical training course on greenhouse gases and air pollutants monitoring in Indonesia, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-30 November, 2019. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, Training, twinning, and capacity building in support of greenhouse gas observations in data sparse regions, GGMT-2019, Seogwipo, Jeju-do, South Korea, 01-05 September, 2019. pdf

Zellweger, C., Steinbacher, M., Steinbrecher, R., L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, Recent Activities and Achievements of WCC-Empa, GGMT-2019, Seogwipo, Jeju-do, South Korea, 01-05 September, 2019. pdf

Zellweger, C., Steinbacher, M., Steinbrecher, R., L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, Qualitycontrol supporting climate policy and research:Assessing two decades of GAW audit results for N2O and CO, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 03-08 May, 2019. pdf

Steinbacher, M., S. Henne, D. Brunner, L. Emmenegger, Importance of high-quality long-term atmospheric trace gas observations within IG3IS, First IG3IS Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-15 November, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., J. Anet, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, Continuous atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements in a semi-remote area in the Kyrgyz Republic – first scientific findings towards policy making, Third ICOS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-13 September, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Trace Gas Observations within GAW, Meeting of the GAW Science Advisory Group for Aerosols, Geneva, Switzerland, 09 -11 July, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Introduction to Empa and Swiss GAW activities, Training of KMD staff, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 28 June-02 July, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Data handling and evaluation, measurements uncertainty, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 28 June-02 July, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Data Submission to the World Data Centre for Reactive Gases, Training of KMD staff, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 28 June-02 July, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., Long-term Time Series, Quality Assurance and Control — Atmospheric Composition, 15th National GCOS Roundtable, Bern, Switzerland, 25 January, 2018. pdf

Steinbacher, M., C. Zellweger, L. Emmenegger, B. Buchmann, QA/SAC Switzerland Activities and Achievements, GAW 2017 Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-13 April, 2017. pdf

Scientific publications
A list of publications authored or co-authored by staff from Empa's GAW team can be found here.
Checklists and other technical material
The preparation and availability of checklists for regular maintenance is useful to standardize regular operations. ...
Audit documents

See Empa's Audit Questionnaire for System and performance audits of atmospheric trace gas measurements at WMO/GAW sites here.

See the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for system and performance audits of atmospheric trace gas measurements at WMO/GAW sites here.

Links to other resources

More information about the GAW Capacity Development Program can be found here.

Check out the regular programm of the GAW Training and Education Centre here.  

The link to WMO's Education and Training Programme can be found here.

Events of the WMO Global Campus can be found here.

Opportunities of the WMO Fellowship Programme can be found here.


more about ...

Global Atmosphere Watch: Introduction

WCC-Empa (World Calibration Centre for Surface Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Methane and Carbon Dioxide)

QA/SAC Switzerland (Quality Assurance/Scientific Activity Centre)

GAW-qc (Interactive quality control tool for atmospheric composition measurements)

GAW Station Support

WMO/GAW Glossary of QA/QC-Related Terminology

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