In-situ techniques

Temperature dependent XRD analyses:

RT ≤ T ≤ 1100°C

  • Sample positioned on heating plate (AlN support)
  • Application to thin films and bulk.
  • Heating device: Anton Paar GmbH

RT ≤ T ≤ 800°C

  • Local N2 heat stream.
  • Application to single crystals and powders in caillaries.
  • Heating device: Stoe & Cie

-150°C ≤ T ≤ 200°C

  • Local N2 cooling / heat stream
  • Application to single crystals and powders, liquids and suspensions in capillaries
  • Cooling / Heating device: Oxford Cryosystems
Reactions on the XRD Instrument:

T ≤ 600°C

  • Gas mixtures of N2, H2, NH3, C2H4 (atmospheric pressure, flow mode)
  • Surface treatment with HCl
  • Large (20 mm × 5 mm) sample size
  • Applicable to Bruker D8, Panalytical X‘Pert
  • Custom built by FH Bern/Empa
Mechanical stresses on the SAXS / WAXD instrument:

Stress-strain analysis

  • Adaptable on Nanostar and Molmet systems
  • Accessible 2Ɵmax=22°
  • Application to membranes, fibers and thin films
  • Tensile stage: Anton Paar GmbH
Fluidics on the SAXS instrument:

Fast dynamical studies ( <1s )

  • Accessible qmin=0.04 nm-1
  • Application to particle agglomeration in-vitro self-assemblies, biosynthesis and crystal nucleation and growth
  • Equipped with four low pressure neMESYS pumps
Humidity studies on micro-CT and phase contrast-CT:

Climatic chamber:

  • Relative humidity control
  • Temperature range: ambient to 85°C
  • GenRH-Temperature and humidity generator

Mechanical stresses on nano-CT:

Deben CT5000-RT  in-situ tensile stage:

  • tensile and compression testing
  • operating at room temperature
  • Exchangeable load cells 500N, 2kN, 5kN

Prof. Dr. Antonia Neels
Head of the Center for X-ray Analytics

Phone: +41 58 765 4507

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