Publications 2021

Aengenheister, L.; Favaro, R. R.; Morales-Prieto, D. M.; Furer, L. A.; Gruber, M.; Wadsack, C.; Markert, U. R.; Buerki-Thurnherr, T. Research on nanoparticles in human perfused placenta: state of the art and perspectives. Placenta 2021, 104, 199-207.
Detailed Record
Anthis, A. H. C.; Hu, X.; Matter, M. T.; Neuer, A. L.; Wei, K.; Schlegel, A. A.; Starsich, F. H. L.; Herrmann, I. K. Chemically stable, strongly adhesive sealant patch for intestinal anastomotic leakage prevention. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31 (16), 2007099 (12 pp.).
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Bongaerts, E.; Aengenheister, L.; Dugershaw, B. B.; Manser, P.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Ameloot, M.; Nawrot, T. S.; Bové, H.; Buerki-Thurnherr, T. Label-free detection of uptake, accumulation, and translocation of diesel exhaust particles in ex vivo perfused human placenta. J. Nanobiotechnol. 2021, 19 (1), 144 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Boos, J. A.; Misun, P. M.; Brunoldi, G.; Furer, L. A.; Aengenheister, L.; Modena, M.; Rousset, N.; Buerki‐Thurnherr, T.; Hierlemann, A. Microfluidic co‐culture platform to recapitulate the maternal-placental-embryonic axis. Adv. Biol. 2021, 5 (8), 2100609 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Caputo, F.; Mehn, D.; Clogston, J. D.; Rösslein, M.; Prina-Mello, A.; Borgos, S. E.; Gioria, S.; Calzolai, L. Asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation for measuring particle size, drug loading and (in)stability of nanopharmaceuticals. The joint view of European Union Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory and National Cancer Institute - Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory. J. Chromatogr. A 2021, 1635, 461767 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gerken, L. R. H.; Neuer, A. L.; Gschwend, P. M.; Keevend, K.; Gogos, A.; Anthis, A. H. C.; Aengenheister, L.; Pratsinis, S. E.; Plasswilm, L.; Herrmann, I. K. Scalable synthesis of ultrasmall metal oxide radio-enhancers outperforming gold. Chem. Mater. 2021, 33 (9), 3098-3112.
Detailed Record
Gschwend, P. M.; Schenk, F. M.; Gogos, A.; Pratsinis, S. E. Acetone sensing and catalytic conversion by Pd-loaded SnO2. Materials 2021, 14 (20), 5921 (13 pp.).
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Gschwend, P. M.; Keevend, K.; Aellen, M.; Gogos, A.; Krumeich, F.; Herrmann, I. K.; Pratsinis, S. E. Bi2O3boosts brightness, biocompatibility and stability of Mn-doped Ba3(VO4)2as NIR-II contrast agent. J. Mater. Chem. B 2021, 9 (13), 3038-3046.
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Gschwend, P. M.; Hintze, J. M.; Herrmann, I. K.; Pratsinis, S. E.; Starsich, F. H. L. Precision in thermal therapy: clinical requirements and solutions from nanotechnology. Adv. Ther. 2021, 4 (2), 2000193 (13 pp.).
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Hempt, C.; Hirsch, C.; Hannig, Y.; Rippl, A.; Wick, P.; Buerki-Thurnherr, T. Investigating the effects of differently produced synthetic amorphous silica (E 551) on the integrity and functionality of the human intestinal barrier using an advanced in vitro co-culture model. Arch. Toxicol. 2021, 95, 837-852.
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Herrmann, I. K.; Wood, M. J. A.; Fuhrmann, G. Extracellular vesicles as a next-generation drug delivery platform. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2021, 16, 748-759.
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Kaegi, R.; Gogos, A.; Voegelin, A.; Hug, S. J.; Winkel, L. H. E.; Buser, A. M.; Berg, M. Quantification of individual Rare Earth Elements from industrial sources in sewage sludge. Water Res. X 2021, 11, 100092 (11 pp.).
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Kelesidis, G. A.; Gao, D.; Starsich, F. H. L.; Pratsinis, S. E. Light extinction by agglomerates of gold nanoparticles: a plasmon ruler for Sub-10 nm interparticle distances. Anal. Chem. 2021, 94 (13), 5310-5316.
Detailed Record
Korte, W.; Buljan, M.; Rösslein, M.; Wick, P.; Golubov, V.; Jentsch, J.; Reut, M.; Peier, K.; Nohynek, B.; Fischer, A.; et al. SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibody response is gender dependent; and IgG antibodies rapidly decline early on. J. Infect. 2021, 82 (1), e11-e14.
Detailed Record
Lese, I.; Tsai, C.; Matter, M.; Wüthrich, T.; Scheer, H. S.; Taddeo, A.; Constantinescu, M. A.; Herrmann, I. K.; Olariu, R. Mixed metal oxide nanoparticle formulations for the treatment of seroma. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2021, 7 (6), 2676-2686.
Detailed Record
Malina, T.; Poláková, K.; Hirsch, C.; Svoboda, L.; Zbořil, R. Toxicity of carbon nanomaterials - towards reliable viability assessment via new approach in flow cytometry. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22 (14), 7750 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Mathiesen, L.; Buerki-Thurnherr, T.; Pastuschek, J.; Aengenheister, L.; Knudsen, L. E. Fetal exposure to environmental chemicals; insights from placental perfusion studies. Placenta 2021, 106, 58-66.
Detailed Record
Matter, M. T.; Doppegieter, M.; Gogos, A.; Keevend, K.; Ren, Q.; Herrmann, I. K. Inorganic nanohybrids combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria hiding within human macrophages. Nanoscale 2021, 13 (17), 8224-8234.
Detailed Record
Matter, M. T.; Maliqi, L.; Keevend, K.; Guimond, S.; Ng, J.; Armagan, E.; Rottmar, M.; Herrmann, I. K. One-step synthesis of versatile antimicrobial nano-architected implant coatings for hard and soft tissue healing. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13 (28), 33300-33310.
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Mitrano, D. M.; Wick, P.; Nowack, B. Placing nanoplastics in the context of global plastic pollution. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2021, 16, 491-500.
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Parida, D.; Salmeia, K. A.; Sadeghpour, A.; Zhao, S.; Maurya, A. K.; Assaf, K. I.; Moreau, E.; Pauer, R.; Lehner, S.; Jovic, M.; et al. Template-free synthesis of hybrid silica nanoparticle with functionalized mesostructure for efficient methylene blue removal. Mater. Des. 2021, 201, 109494 (10 pp.).
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Petersen, E. J.; Nguyen, A. D.; Brown, J.; Elliott, J. T.; Clippinger, A. J.; Gordon, J.; Kleinstreuer, N.; Roesslein, M. Characteristics to consider when selecting a positive control material for an in vitro assay. ALTEX 2021, 38 (2), 365-376.
Detailed Record
Wielinski, J.; Gogos, A.; Voegelin, A.; Müller, C. R.; Morgenroth, E.; Kaegi, R. Release of gold (Au), silver (Ag) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) nanoparticles from sewage sludge incineration ash. Environ. Sci. Nano 2021, 8 (11), 3220-3232.
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Wiesli, M. G.; Kaiser, J. P.; Gautier, E.; Wick, P.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Rottmar, M.; Wahl, P. Influence of ceftriaxone on human bone cell viability and in vitro mineralization potential is concentration- and time-dependent. Bone Jt. Res. 2021, 10 (3), 218-225.
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