Publications 2022

Amstutz, C.; Weisse, B.; Haeberlin, A.; Burger, J.; Zurbuchen, A. Inverse finite element approach to identify the post-necking hardening behavior of polyamide 12 under uniaxial tension. Polymers 2022, 14 (17), 3476 (15 pp.).
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Anthis, A. H. C.; Abundo, M. P.; Neuer, A. L.; Tsolaki, E.; Rosendorf, J.; Rduch, T.; Starsich, F. H. L.; Weisse, B.; Liska, V.; Schlegel, A. A.; et al. Modular stimuli-responsive hydrogel sealants for early gastrointestinal leak detection and containment. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13 (1), 7311 (15 pp.).
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Blaesi, A. H.; Kümmerlen, D.; Richter, H.; Saka, N. Mechanical strength and gastric residence time of expandable fibrous dosage forms. Inter. J. Pharm. 2022, 613, 120792 (13 pp.).
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Brunner, A. J. Can simple estimates from neat polymers provide safe fatigue fracture design limits for fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites? In 23 European conference on fracture (ECF23), presented at the 23 European conference on fracture (ECF23), Funchal, June 27 - July 1, 2022; Moreira, P., Galrao dos Reis, L. F., Eds.; Procedia structural integrity; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2022; Vol. 42, pp 1660-1667.
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Brunner, A. J.; Trattning, H. Evaluation of experience from long-term AE monitoring. In 35th European and 10th international conference on acoustic emission testing. EWGAE 35 & ICAE 10, presented at the 35th European and 10th international conference on acoustic emission testing. EWGAE 35 & ICAE 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-16, 2022; e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing; Bad Breisig, 2022; Vol. 28, p (8 pp.).
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Brunner, A. J. Fracture mechanics testing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: the effects of the "human factor" on repeatability and reproducibility of test data. Eng. Fract. Mech. 2022, 264, 108340 (14 pp.).
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Burda, I.; Zweiacker, K.; Arabi-Hashemi, A.; Barriobero-Vila, P.; Stutz, A.; Koller, R.; Roelofs, H.; Oberli, L.; Lembke, M.; Affolter, C.; et al. Fatigue crack propagation behavior of a micro-bainitic TRIP steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2022, 840, 142898 (15 pp.).
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Contreras Raggio, J. I.; Toro Arancibia, C.; Millán, C.; Ploeg, H. L.; Aiyangar, A.; Vivanco, J. F. Height-to-diameter ratio and porosity strongly influence bulk compressive mechanical properties of 3D-printed polymer scaffolds. Polymers 2022, 14 (22), 5017 (15 pp.).
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Danner, P. M.; Iacob, M.; Sasso, G.; Burda, I.; Rieger, B.; Nüesch, F.; Opris, D. M. Solvent-free synthesis and processing of conductive elastomer composites for green dielectric elastomer transducers. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 43 (6), 2100823 (12 pp.).
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Dreyer, M. J.; Taylor, W. R.; Wasmer, K.; Imwinkelried, T.; Heuberger, R.; Weisse, B.; Crockett, R. Anomalous wear behavior of UHMWPE during sliding against CoCrMo under varying cross-shear and contact pressure. Tribol. Lett. 2022, 70, 119 (13 pp.).
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Dreyer, M. J.; Trepczynski, A.; Hosseini Nasab, S. H.; Kutzner, I.; Schütz, P.; Weisse, B.; Dymke, J.; Postolka, B.; Moewis, P.; Bergmann, G.; et al. European Society of Biomechanics S.M. Perren Award 2022: standardized tibio-femoral implant loads and kinematics. J. Biomech. 2022, 141, 111171 (10 pp.).
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Fazzi, L.; Struzziero, G.; Dransfeld, C.; Groves, R. M. A single three-parameter tilted fibre Bragg grating sensor to monitor the thermosetting composite curing process. Adv. Manuf.: Polym. Compos. Sci. 2022, 8 (1), 33-41.
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Gadhari, N. S.; Patil, S. S.; Gholave, J. V.; Pansare, A. V.; Patil, V. R.; Upadhyay, S. S. Simultaneous determination of prasugrel and its process related impurities and degradation products in bulk drug substances by RPLC-UV. Curr. Chromatograph. 2022, 9 (1), e170122200262 (10 pp.).
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Gao, J.; Xu, P.; Fan, L.; Li, J.; Terrasi, G. P.; Meier, U. Experimental study of fatigue and fracture behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) straps. Polymers 2022, 14 (10), 2129 (17 pp.).
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Gao, J.; Xu, P.; Fan, L.; Terrasi, G. P. Study on bond-slip behavior between seawater sea-sand concrete and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) bars with different surface shapes. Polymers 2022, 14 (13), 2689 (19 pp.).
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Gfrerer, L.; Michel, S.; Fürst, A. E.; Piskoty, G.; Weisse, B.; Montavon, S.; Jackson, M. A. Simulated kick injury to the mandible in horses: study of fracture configurations and physical parameters of the impact. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol. 2022, 35 (4), 255-262.
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Gfrerrer, M.; Wiener, J.; Schneider, C.; Brunner, A. J.; Pinter, G. Termination criteria for fatigue tests of continuous fiber reinforced polymers. In Proceedings of the 20th European conference on composite materials. Composite meet sustainability, presented at the 20th European conference on composite materials, ECCM20, Lausanne, June 26-30, 2022; Vassilopoulos, A., Michaud, V., Eds.; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): Lausanne, 2022; Vol. 3, pp 502-508.
Detailed Record
Gholave, J. V.; Pansare, A. V.; Gadhari, N. S.; Patil, S. S.; Upadhyay, S. S.; Shedge, A. A.; Patil, V. R.; Shelke, K. F. Development and validation of HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of HCTZ, AML, TELM and VAL in human plasma. Intern. J. Creative Res. Thoughts 2022, 10 (2), 120-132.
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Huber, L.; Hauser, S. B.; Ubert, C. J.; Rees, M.; Fischer, B.; Zhao, S.; Koebel, M. M.; Malfait, W. J. Surfactant-free, flexible polymethylsilsesquioxane foams. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2022, 597, 121887 (8 pp.).
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Häberli, J.; Heilgemeir, M.; Valet, S.; Aiyangar, A.; Overes, T.; Henle, P.; Eggli, S. Novel press-fit technique of patellar bone plug in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is comparable to interference screw fixation. Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 2022, 142, 1963-1970.
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Kambale, R. N.; Pansare, A. V.; Rode, M. N.; Sagar, K.; Kalesh, R. R.; Bambole, V. Study of magnetic properties of rare-earth doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles via green approach. Presented at the Min, H. S., Ed.; Recent trends in chemical and material sciences, Vol. 8; B P International: Hooghly, West Bengal, 2022; pp 50-58.
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Khairkar, S. R.; Pansare, S. V.; Shedge, A. A.; Chhatre, S.; Kulal, D. K.; Patil, V. R.; Pansare, A. V. Biological macromolecule chitosan grafted co-polymeric composite: bio-adsorption probe on cationic dyes. Polym. Bull. 2022, 79, 9441-9455.
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Li, Z.; Jiang, X.; Hopman, H. External surface cracked offshore pipes reinforced with composite repair system: a numerical analysis. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 2022, 117, 103191 (13 pp.).
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Li, Z.; Gut, A.; Burda, I.; Michel, S.; Romancuk, D.; Affolter, C. The role of an individual lack-of-fusion defect in the fatigue performance of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V part. In Proceedings of 2022 international additive manufacturing conference (IAM2022), presented at the 2022 international additive manufacturing conference, Lisbo, October 19-20, 2022; American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, 2022; pp IAM2022-94120 (6 pp.).
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Liu, Z.; Li, Z.; Huang, C.; Jiang, X. An investigation on the fatigue performance of cracked steel plates reinforced with FRP and stop hole. Mech. Adv. Mater. Struct. 2022, 29 (25), 3646-3657.
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Luan, L. K.; Crosbie, L.; Michel, S.; Hack, E. A Digital Image Correlation (DIC) prototype system for crack propagation monitoring in aircraft assemblies. Open Res. Europe 2022, 2, 82 (8 pp.).
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Maluk, C.; Bisby, L.; Terrasi, G. P. Thermal incompatibility between CFRP tendons and concrete. J. Compos. Constr. 2022, 26 (6), 04022080 (13 pp.).
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Maurer, B.; Gehri, E.; Strahm, T.; Steiger, R.; Affolter, C. Fatigue strength of axially loaded steel rods bonded in European ash glulam. In Timber bridges. International conference on timber bridges ICTB2021PLUS, presented at the ICTB 2021PLUS. 4th international conference on timber bridges, Biel/Bienne, May 9-12, 2022; Franke, B., Franke, S., Eds.; Bern University of Applied Sciences: Biel, 2022; pp 223-230.
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Michel, S.; Tuchschmid, M.; Sauder, M.; Frey, S. Stress corrosion cracking of tunnel ventilation fan blades: a case study. Metals 2022, 12 (12), 2065 (21 pp.).
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Pansare, A. V.; Pansare, P. V.; Shedge, A. A.; Pansare, S. V.; Patil, V. R.; Terrasi, G. P.; Donde, K. J. Click gold quantum dots biosynthesis with conjugation of quercetin for adenocarcinoma exertion. RSC Adv. 2022, 12 (29), 18425-18430.
Detailed Record
Pansare, A. V.; Shedge, A. A.; Sonawale, M. C.; Pansare, S. V.; Mahakal, A. D.; Khairkar, S. R.; Chhatre, S. Y.; Kulal, D. K.; Patil, V. R. Deciphering the sensing of α-amyrin acetate with hs-DNA: A multipronged biological probe. RSC Adv. 2022, 12 (3), 1238-1243.
Detailed Record
Pansare, A. V.; Jawale, J. M.; Pansare, S. V.; Pansare, P. V.; Donde, K. J.; Patil, V. R. Development of sustainable separation method and analytical characterization of bio-active molecule from herb. Intern. J. Creative Res. Thoughts 2022, 10 (8), c408-c417.
Detailed Record
Pansare, A. V.; Pansare, S. V.; Pansare, P. V.; More, B. P.; Nagarkar, A. A.; Barbezat, M.; Donde, K. J.; Patil, V. R.; Terrasi, G. P. Economical gold recovery cycle from bio-sensing AuNPs: an application for nanowaste and COVID-19 testing kits. Dalton Trans. 2022, 51 (38), 14686-14699.
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Pardi-Comensoli, L.; Tonolla, M.; Colpo, A.; Palczewska, Z.; Revikrishnan, S.; Heeb, M.; Brunner, I.; Barbezat, M. Microbial depolymerization of epoxy resins: a novel approach to a complex challenge. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12 (1), 466 (22 pp.).
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Rockenfeller, R.; Müller, A. Augmenting the cobb angle: rhree-dimensional analysis of whole spine shapes using Bézier curves. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 2022, 225, 107075 (10 pp.).
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Sause, M. G. R.; Brunner, A. J. AE in polymeric composites. In Acoustic emission testing. Basics for research - applications in engineering; Grosse, C. U., Ohtsu, M., Aggelis, D. G., Shiotani, T., Eds.; Springer tracts in civil engineering; Springer: Cham, 2022; pp 621-661.
Detailed Record
Struzziero, G.; Barbezat, M.; Skordos, A. A. RETRACTED: Assessment of the benefits of 3D printing of advanced thermosetting composites using process simulation and numerical optimisation. Addit. Manuf. 2022, 54, 102719 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Taddei, F.; Barbezat, M.; Troiani, E.; Struzziero, G. Influence of pre-curing stage in additive manufacturing of advanced thermosetting composites. In Proceedings of the 20th European conference on composite materials. Composite meet sustainability, presented at the ECCM20 - 20th European conference on composite materials, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2022; Vassilopoulos, A., Michaud, V., Eds.; Manufacturing; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): Lausanne, 2022; Vol. 2, pp 385-392.
Detailed Record
Vallejos Baier, R.; Contreras Raggio, J. I.; Giovanetti, C. M.; Palza, H.; Burda, I.; Terrasi, G.; Weisse, B.; Siqueira De Freitas, G.; Nyström, G.; Vivanco, J. F.; et al. Shape fidelity, mechanical and biological performance of 3D printed polycaprolactone-bioactive glass composite scaffolds. Mater. Sci. Eng. C 2022, 134, 112540 (12 pp.).
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Vidrih, T.; Winiger, P.; Triantafyllidis, Z.; Ott, V.; Terrasi, G. P. Investigations on the fatigue behaviour of 3D-printed continuous carbon fibre-reinforced polymer tension straps. Polymers 2022, 14 (20), 4258 (22 pp.).
Detailed Record
Weisse, B.; Lama, S.; Piskoty, G.; Affolter, C.; Aiyangar, A. K. Effect of two types of shoulder prosthesis on the muscle forces using a generic multibody model for different arm motions. Biomed. Eng. Online 2022, 21, 17 (19 pp.).
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Zou, S.; Xiao, X.; Li, Z.; Liu, M.; Zhu, C.; Zhu, Z.; Chen, C.; Zhu, F. Comprehensive investigation of residual stress in selective laser melting based on cohesive zone model. Mater. Today Comm. 2022, 31, 103283 (8 pp.).
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Züst, G. L.; Ott, V.; Terrasi, G. P. Development of a pretensioning anchorage for sand-coated CFRP tendons: modeling and validation. Polymers 2022, 14 (24), 5531 (23 pp.).
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