Publications 2011

Abouhossein, A.; Weisse, B.; Ferguson, S. J. A multibody modelling approach to determine load sharing between passive elements of the lumbar spine. Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. 2011, 14 (6), 527-537.
Detailed Record
Affolter, C.; Piskoty, G.; Weisse, B. Failure of a bus hoisting platform due to unexpected system behaviour. Eng. Fail. Anal. 2011, 18 (7), 1742-1749.
Detailed Record
Brunner, A. J. From materials and components to structural health monitoring systems and smart structures: examples from research on advanced composites. In Proceedings of ATEM'11, presented at the Conference on advanced technology in experimental mechanics (ATEM 2011), Kobe, Japan, 19-21 September 2011; Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers: Tokyo, 2011; p OS08F014 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Brunner, A. J.; Bachmann, F. Schallemissionsanalyse von Zugversuchen an Piezoplättchen mit unterschiedlicher Vorspannung. Presented at the 18. Kolloquium Schallemission. Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse, Wetzlar, Germany, October 27–28, 2011; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Chakraborty, A. K.; Plyhm, T.; Barbezat, M.; Necola, A.; Terrasi, G. P. Carbon nanotube (CNT)–epoxy nanocomposites: a systematic investigation of CNT dispersion. J. Nanopart. Res. 2011, 13 (12), 6493-6506.
Detailed Record
Dürager, C.; Heinzelmann, A.; Riederer, D. Wireless sensor network for guided wave propagation with piezoelectric transducers. Presented at the 8th international workshop on structural health monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford, CA, USA, September 13–15, 2011; Chang, F. K., Ed.; DEStech; Vol. 2, pp 2028-2034.
Detailed Record
Jordi, C. Biomimetic airship driven by dielectric elastomer actuators. Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2011, 152 p.
Detailed Record
Jordi, C.; Schmidt, A.; Kovacs, G.; Ermanni, P. Comparison of dielectric materials for the activation of a macro-scale hinge configuration. In Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) 2011, presented at the SPIE smart structures and materials + nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring, San Diego, CA, USA, March 7-10, 2011; Bar-Cohen, Y., Carpi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, WA, USA, 2011; Vol. 7976, p 79761G (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Jordi, C.; Schmidt, A.; Kovacs, G.; Michel, S.; Ermanni, P. Performance evaluation of cutting-edge dielectric elastomers for large-scale actuator applications. Smart Mater. Struct. 2011, 20 (7), 075003 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Loser, R.; Piskoty, G.; Al-Badri, A.; Tuchschmid, M.; Schmid, P.; Leemann, A. Investigation into the mechanisms leading to explosion of pétanque balls. Eng. Fail. Anal. 2011, 18 (2), 633-648.
Detailed Record
Major, Z.; Brunner, A. J. Fracture mechanics test methods for polymers and composites. Presented at the 28th Danubia-Adria symposium on advances in experimental mechanics (DAS 2011), Siófok, Hungary, September 28–October 1, 2011; Scientific society for mechanical engineering (GTE); p 3 (2 pp.).
Detailed Record
Maluk, C.; Bisby, L.; Terrasi, G.; Green, M. Bond strength of CFRP and steel bars in concrete at elevated temperature. In Innovations in fire design of concrete structures, presented at the ACI Fall convention 2008; ACI Spring convention 2010, St. Louis, MO; Chicago, IL, November 2–6, 2008; March 21–25, 2010; Kodur, V., Ed.; ACI special publication; American Concrete Institute: Detroit, Michigan, 2011; Vol. 279, p 2 (36 pp.).
Detailed Record
Meier, U.; Brönnimann, R.; Anderegg, P.; Terrasi, G. P. Two decades of experience with structural health monitoring of structures with CFRP components. Presented at the 7th national workshop on nondestructive evaluation of civil infrastructure system (NDECIS'11) Nuclear power safety-applications of non-contact inspection and evaluation to large structures, Tai Zhong, Taiwan, November 3–4, 2011; SNTCT; pp 189-206.
Detailed Record
Melnykowycz, M.; Brunner, A. J. The performance of integrated active fiber composites in carbon fiber laminates. Smart Mater. Struct. 2011, 20 (7), 075007 (8 pp.).
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Ritschel, F.; Niemz, P.; Brunner, A. J. Combining image correlation from optical methods and acoustic analysis for investigating damage evolution in Plywood. In 17th international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium, presented at the 17th international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium, Sopron, Hungary, September 14–16, 2011; Divos, F., Ed.; University of West Hungary: Sopron, Hungary, 2011; pp 343-350.
Detailed Record
Ritschel, F.; Niemz, P.; Brunner, A. J. Wellenformanalyse von Schallemissionssignalen ausgewählter Zugversuche an Vollholz- und Sperrholz/LVL-Prüfkörpern. Presented at the 18. Kolloquium Schallemission. Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse, Wetzlar, Germany, October 27–28, 2011; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Schmidt, A.; Bergamini, A.; Jordi, C.; Kovacs, G.; Mazza, E. Electro-mechanical modeling of dielectric elastomer transducers with micro-structured electrodes. In Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) 2011, presented at the SPIE smart structures and materials + nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring, San Diego, California, United States, March 6-10, 2011; Bar-Cohen, Y., Carpi, F., Eds.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, WA USA, 2011; Vol. 7976, p 79760L (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Schmidt, A.; Bergamini, A.; Kovacs, G.; Mazza, E. Multiaxial mechanical characterization of interpenetrating polymer network reinforced acrylic elastomer. Exp. Mech. 2011, 51 (8), 1421-1433.
Detailed Record
Terrasi, G. P.; Brönnimann, R.; Bättig, G. CFRP tendon prestress monitoring by resistance measurement in a spun concrete powerline pylon. In Proceedings of SMAR 2011 the 1st Middle East conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures, presented at the First Middle East conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures (SMAR 2011), Dubai, UAE, February 8–10, 2011; Motavalli, M., Havranek, B., Saqan, E., Eds.; Empa; AUD: Dübendorf, Switzerland; Dubai, UAE, 2011; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Terrasi, G. P.; Affolter, C.; Barbezat, M. Numerical optimization of a compact and reusable pretensioning anchorage system for CFRP tendons. J. Compos. Constr. 2011, 15 (2), 126-135.
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