
Antonia Neels
Research interests

My interests are focused on new materials, their fascinating structures leading to new physical and chemical properties. My passion goes to the development and application of X-ray based analytical methods in the emerging fields of chemistry, biology, physics and microtechnology. Novel models for X-ray tools using diffraction and scattering in combination with X-ray imaging techniques have an enormous potential in application areas such as materials and life sciences. In recent years, my research moved from micrometer-sized towards nano-systems, coated materials and interfaces regarding especially their dynamics in non-ambient environments. The overriding goal is to develop a better understanding of mechanisms on materials surfaces and interfaces with respect to defect mobility and strain relaxation.

  • Lecturer of the master course “XRD Basic Principles & Applications” (each spring semester, Master of Science in chemistry) University of Fribourg: Fribourg, CH.
  • CCMX “Advanced X-ray Diffraction Methods for Coatings”
Memberships in national and international organizations

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Profile in DORA


Prof. Dr. Antonia Neels

Prof. Dr. Antonia Neels
Head of the Center for X-ray Analytics

Telefon: +41 58 765 4507

Trends & Technologies – Expert view

interview with Comet: article & video