Structure-guided Materials

The XRD laboratory is part of the Center for X-ray Analytics ("Röntgenhaus" on Empa's Dübendorf campus) and concentrates on the development and application of X-ray diffraction and scattering methods.

The SAXS laboratory is also part of the Center for X-ray Analytics and located at Empa St Gallen. The laboratory concentrates on the development and application of small angle diffractions and scattering methods. The lab is equipped with state-of-the art instruments for the different application domains.

The labs are equipped with state-of-the art instruments for the different application domains:

The team of the XRD Lab works on projects and delivers analytical development support for academia and industry.

Prof. Dr. Antonia Neels

Prof. Dr. Antonia Neels
Head of the Center for X-ray Analytics

Telefon: +41 58 765 4507

Analytical support Empa intern:

Request for collaboration & Service

For more information click here.

D8, Bruker AXS
PANalytical X'Pert Powder
HRXRD - D8 Davinci, Bruker AXS
IPDS-II, Stoe (Mo radiation)
IPDS-II, Stoe (Ag radiation)
SAXS/WAXS Nanostar, Bruker AXS