STOE IPDS-II, Ag radiation

Structure analysis on nano- and partially ordered materials sys-tems: WAXD & pair distribution function (PDF)


  • Partially ordered systems
  • Textured materials: ordering, molecular arrangements

Structural parameters:

  • 3D molecular structure: short range ordering
  • Ordering & molecular arrangements


  • 2D and 3D X-ray data collection
  • Diffraction imaging for textured or partially ordered & oriented systems
  • Evaluation of multi-phase systems

Working principle:

With the Stoe IPDS-II diffractometer, 2D and 3D data can be collected with the aim to determine new molecular structures or to derive molecular ordering. The instrument works in transmission mode and is equipped with an imaging plate detector. The use of Ag radiation coupled with an imaging plate detector permits to collect high angle data with good statistics for the use and evaluation of PDF data. At the same time, it allows to work on preferred orientation, ordering of more complex systems and nano-crystalline materials.

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