EmpaQuarterly 2024

What are the hot topics in research and technology? What is Empa’s role in all of this? How are inventions from the lab turned into innovations that succeed in the market? Empa Quarterly, our magazine for research and innovation, provides answers to these questions with interviews, portraits and exciting reports from our labs.

# 84 / July 2024 / Focus: Open Lab Day: Experience Science

On September 14, 2024, Empa Dübendorf will open the doors of its laboratories to the public. At over 70 stations, visitors will be able to experience current Empa research live on topics such as climate change, the energy transition, human and environmental health and much more. The stories in this issue give a small taste of the variety of materials and technologies that are discovered, researched, and developed in Empa's laboratories. Hungry for more? Visit us on September 14!

Read the latest EmpaQuarterly online or download the PDF version.

# 83 / April 2024 / Focus: Perovskites: Versatile cristals

Over 180 years ago, a curious crystal was discovered in the Ural Mountains. Today, it has given rise to an entire class of materials that is of great interest to researchers: perovskites. What all perovskites have in common is their crystal structure, which gives them unusual properties. By changing the exact composition of the perovskite, scientists can control these properties. Empa researchers are using this promising material to develop solar cells, detectors and quantum dots.

Read the EmpaQuarterly online or download the pdf-version.

Empa Quarterly

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