News 2016
Nov 25, 2016 | Swiss Technology Award 2016
Congratulation! Yesterday "Mesh Mould", a partner project of NEST, won the Swiss Technology Award 2016 in the category "Inventors" at the 11th Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel. The award ceremony was attended by around...

Nov 23, 2016 | 5,000+ visitors since opening of NEST
NEST, the modular research and innovation building by Empa and Eawag, is teeming with life. Since it opened its doors in May 2016, over 5,000 visitors have flocked to see the building. The first users have set up their...
Nov 17, 2016 | Empa team solves engineering dilemma
Macroscopic crystal structures can absorb unwanted vibrations or filter noise – without any electronics or electricity whatsoever. They can be lighter and more solid than previous conventional insulating material and can...

Nov 16, 2016 | Empa PhD Symposium 2016
Am Montag, 14. November, fand der diesjährige Empa-DoktorandInnentag statt. Dieses alljährliche Symposium bietet jungen Forscherinnen und Forschern eine Bühne und die Gelegenheit, Rückmeldungen von erfahrenen Forschern...