
Desing, H.; Blum, N. On circularity, complexity and (elements of) hope. Circ. Econ. 2023, 1 (1).

Riedo, J.; Yokota, A.; Walther, B.; Bartolomé, N.; van der Heijden, M. G. A.; Bucheli, T. D.; Walder, F. Temporal dynamics of total and bioavailable fungicide concentrations in soil and their effect upon nine soil microbial markers. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 878, 162995 (10 pp.).

Roca-Puigròs, M.; Marmy, C.; Wäger, P.; Beat Müller, D. Modeling the transition toward a zero emission car fleet: integrating electrification, shared mobility, and automation. Transp. Res. D 2023, 115, 103576 (14 pp.).

Bill, A.; Haarman, A.; Gasser, M.; Böni, H.; Rösslein, M.; Wäger, P. A. Characterizing plastics from large household appliances: brominated flame retardants, other additives and density profiles. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2022, 177, 105956 (10 pp.).

Desing, H. Below zero. Environ. Sci.: Adv. 2022, 1 (5), 612-619.

Desing, H.; Widmer, R. How much energy storage can we afford? On the need for a sunflower society, aligning demand with renewable supply. Biophys. Econ. Sust. 2022, 7, 3 (15 pp.).

Desing, H.; Gerber, A.; Hischier, R.; Wäger, P.; Widmer, R. The 3‐machines energy transition model: exploring the energy frontiers for restoring a habitable climate. Earth Future 2022, 10 (10), e2022EF002875 (15 pp.).

Gauch, M. Batterien: so schlecht wie ihr Ruf? In Batterien. Schlüssel für die Energiewende. Kompendium zu Forschung, Entwicklung, Potenzial und Systemintegration von Batteriespeichern; Forum Energiespeicher Schweiz: Bern, 2022; pp 27-33.

Groux, O.; Gauch, M. Batterie-Recycling: eine Positionsbestimmung. In Batterien. Schlüssel für die Energiewende. Kompendium zu Forschung, Entwicklung, Potenzial und Systemintegration von Batteriespeichern; Forum Energiespeicher Schweiz: Bern, 2022; pp 35-39.

Lama, V.; Righi, S.; Quandt, B. M.; Hischier, R.; Desing, H. Resource pressure of carpets: guiding their circular design. Sustainability 2022, 14 (5), 2530 (13 pp.). 

Böni, H.; Gauch, M.; Matasci, C. Wie viel Material verbraucht die Schweiz? Volkswirtschaft, 2021, pp 36-38.

Crenna, E.; Gauch, M.; Widmer, R.; Wäger, P.; Hischier, R. Towards more flexibility and transparency in life cycle inventories for Lithium-ion batteries. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2021, 170, 105619 (9 pp.).

Desing, H.; Widmer, R. Reducing climate risks with fast and complete energy transitions: applying the precautionary principle to the Paris agreement. Environ. Res. Lett. 2021, 16 (12), 121002 (5 pp.).

Gerber, A.; Ulrich, M.; Wäger, F. X.; Roca-Puigròs, M.; Gonçalves, J. S. V.; Wäger, P. Games on climate change: identifying development potentials through advanced classification and game characteristics mapping. Sustainability 2021, 13 (4), 1997 (26 pp.).

Matasci, C.; Gauch, M.; Böni, H. How to increase circularity in the Swiss economy? Detritus: Multidisciplinary J. Waste Resour. & Residues 2021.

Matasci, C.; Gauch, M.; Böni, H.; Wäger, P. The influence of consumer behavior on climate change: the case of Switzerland. Sustainability 2021, 13 (5), 2966 (24 pp.).

Hischier, R.; Böni, H. W. Combining environmental and economic factors to evaluate the reuse of electrical and electronic equipment – a Swiss case study. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2020, 105307.

Méndez-Fajardo, S.; Böni, H.; Vanegas, P.; Sucozhañay, D. Improving sustainability of E-waste management through the systemic design of solutions: the cases of Colombia and Ecuador. In Handbook of electronic waste management. International best practices and case studies; Prasad, M. N. V., Vithanage, M., Borthakur, A., Eds.; Elsevier: Cambridge, 2020; pp 443-478.

Restrepo, E.; Løvik, A. N.; Widmer, R.; Wäger, P.; Müller, D. B. Effects of car electronics penetration, integration and downsizing on their recycling potentials. Resour. Conserv. Recycl.: X 2020, 6, 100032 (8 pp.).

Desing, H., Widmer, R., Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D., Hischier, R., & Wäger, P. (2019). Powering a sustainable and circular economy - An engineering approach to estimating renewable energy potentials within earth system boundaries. Energies, 12(24), 4723.

Korf, N., Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Kuntz, C., Mählitz, P. M., Rösslein, M., Wäger, P., Rotter, V. S. (2019). Multielement chemical analysis of printed circuit boards – challenges and pitfalls. Waste Management, 92, 124-136.

Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Rösslein, M., Widmer, R., Bunge, R., Pohl, T., Korf, N., Kuntz, C., Mählitz, P.M., Rotter, V.S. & Wäger, P. (2019). Variability and bias in measurements of metals mass fractions in automobile shredder residue. Recycling, 4(3), 34 (18 pp.).

Matasci, C., Gauch, M., & Böni, H. (2019). Material and energy flow analysis and associated environmental impacts of Swiss mobility. In C. Ludwig & S. Valdivia (Eds.), Progress towards the resource revolution (pp. 84-89). Villigen: World Resources Forum.

Mählitz, P. M., Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Kuntz, C., Korf, N., Rösslein, M., Wäger, P., Rotter, V. S. (2019). Characterizing the urban mine–challenges of simplified chemical analysis of anthropogenic mineral resi-dues. Resources, 8(3), 132 (22 pp.).

Restrepo, E., Løvik, A. N., Widmer, R., Wäger, P., & Müller, D. B. (2019). Historical penetration patterns of au-tomobile electronic control systems and implications for critical raw materials recycling. Resources, 8(2), 58 (20 pp.).

Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D.; Turner, D. A.; Salieri, B.; Haarman, A.; Hischier, R. How suitable is LCA for nanotechnology assessment? Overview of current methodological pitfalls and potential solutions: 65th LCA Discussion Forum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, May 24, 2017. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2018, 23 (1), 191-196.

Gasser, M.; Hüdepohl, H.; Haarman, A. Feasibility study for the certification of sustainably recycled plastics in India; Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI): St. Gallen, 2018.

Løvik, A. N.; Hagelüken, C.; Wäger, P. Improving supply security of critical metals: current developments and research in the EU. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2018, 15, 9-18.

Ortego, A., Valero, A., Valero, A., & Restrepo, E. Vehicles and critical raw materials: a sustainability assessment using thermodynamic rarity: Vehicles and Critical Raw Materials. Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Thiébaud (-Müller), E.; Hilty, L. M.; Schluep, M.; Böni, H.; Faulstich, M. Where do our resources go? Indium, neodymium, and gold flows connected to the use of electronic equipment in Switzerland. Sustainability, 10 (8), 2658 (17pp.).

Thiébaud (-Müller), E.; Hilty, L. M.; Schluep, M.; Widmer, R.; Faulstich, M. Service lifetime, storage time, and disposal pathways of electronic equipment: a Swiss case study. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2018, 22 (1), 196-208.

Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D.; Turner, D. A.; Salieri, B.; Haarman, A.; Hischier, R. How suitable is LCA for nanotechnology assessment? Overview of current methodological pitfalls and potential solutions: 65th LCA Discussion Forum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, May 24, 2017. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2017, (1), 191-196.

Bornemann, B., Bernasconi, A., Ejderyan, O., Schmid, F., Wäger, P., Zingerli, C., 2017. Research on natural resources: The quest for integration revisited. GAIA 26, 16-21.

Cao, Z.; Shen, L.; Løvik, A. N.; Müller, D. B.; Liu, G. Elaborating the history of our cementing societies: an in-use stock perspective. Environmental Science and Technology 2017, 51 (19), 11468-11475.

Gasser, M., Böni, H., & Wäger, P. (2017). Gemischte Sammlung von Kunststoffen aus Haushalten. Monitoring der Pilotphase des KUH-Bag Systems. St. Gallen: Empa (Report)

Gauch, M., Matasci, C., Hincapié, I., & Böni, H. (2017). Material- und Energieressourcen sowie Umweltauswirkungen der Mobilität Schweiz. St. Gallen: Empa (Report)

Kläy, A.; Bader, C.; Bornemann, B.; Carabias, V.; Wäger, P. Monitoring und Evaluation der Agenda 2030. Reflexionen zum ersten saguf-Gespräch. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 2017, 26 (3), 284- 286.

Mueller, S. R.; Wäger, P. A.; Turner, D. A.; Shaw, P. J.; Williams, I. D. A framework for evaluating the accessibility of raw materials from end-of-life products and the Earth's crust. Waste Management 2017, 68, 534-546.

Restrepo, E., Løvik, A.N., Wäger, P., Widmer, R., Lonka, R., Müller, D.B., 2017. Stocks, flows, and distribution of critical metals in embedded electronics in passenger vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 1129- 1139.

Thiébaud, E., Hilty, L.M., Schluep, M., Faulstich, M., 2017. Use, storage, and disposal of electronic equipment in Switzerland. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 4494-4502.

Thiébaud, E., Hilty, L. M., Schluep, M., & Faulstich, M. Where do all the metals go? Indium and neodymium flows from emerging technologies in Switzerland. Aachen: Innsbruck University Press, 2017, pp 129-133.

Thiébaud (-Müller), E., Hilty, L. M., Schluep, M., Widmer, R., Faulstich, M. Service lifetime, storage time, and disposal pathways of electronic equipment: a Swiss case study. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2017, xx (13 pp.).

Brechbühler Pešková, M., Grösser, S., Böni, H., Wäger, P.A., 2016. Rückgewinnung Von Indium Aus Bildschirmen: Ist Das Sinnvoll? Die Volkswirtschaft 1-2, 61-64.

Del Duce, A., Gauch, M., Althaus, H.-., 2016. Electric passenger car transport and passenger car life cycle inventories in ecoinvent version 3. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21, 1314-1326.

Gauch, M., Matasci, C., Hincapié, I., Hörler, R., Böni, H., 2016. Projet MatCH - Bau: Material- und Energieressourcen Sowie Umweltauswirkungen Der Baulichen Infrastruktur Der Schweiz. , 83 pp.

Løvik, A.N., Restrepo, E., Müller, D.B., 2016. Byproduct metal availability constrained by dynamics of carrier metal cycle: The Gallium–Aluminum example. Environmental Science and Technology 50, 8453-8461.

Restrepo, E., Widmer, R., Schluep, M., 2016. Leaded Glass from Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs). A Critical Review of Recycling and Disposal Options. UNU Step Green Paper, 14.

Böni, H., Schluep, M., Widmer, R. 2015. Recycling of ICT Equipment in Industrialized and Developing Countries. In: Hilty, L.M., Aebischer, B. (Eds.), ICT Innovations for Sustainability, Springer, 223-214.

Böni, H., Wäger, P., Figi, R. 2015. Rückgewinnung Von Kritischen Metallen Wie Indium Und Neodym Aus Elektronikschrott Auf Der Stufe Der Manuellen Und Mechanischen Vorbehandlung. In: Thomé-Kozmiensky, K.J., Goldmann, D. (Eds.), Recycling Und Rohstoffe, TK Verlag Karl J.Thomé-Kozmiensky, Nietwerder,DE, 443-462.

Clivaz, C., Gonseth, C., Matasci, C. 2015. Tourisme d'Hiver. Le Défi Climatique. In: Anonymous Tourisme d'Hiver. Le Défi Climatique, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 131 pp.

Du, X., Restrepo, E., Widmer, R., Wäger, P. 2015. Quantifying the distribution of critical metals in conventional passenger vehicles using input-driven and output-driven approaches: A comparative study. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 17, 218-228.

Hischier, R. and Wäger, P.A. 2015. The Transition from Desktop Computers to Tablets: A Model for Increasing Resource Efficiency? In: Hilty, L.M., Aebischer, B. (Eds.), ICT Innovations for Sustainability, Springer, 243-256.

Løvik, A.N., Restrepo, E., Müller, D.B. 2015. The global anthropogenic gallium system: Determinants of demand, supply and efficiency improvements. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 5704-5712.

Ludwig, C., Matasci, C., Edelmann, X. 2015. Natural Resources, Sustainable Targets, Technologies, Lifestyles and Governance. In: Ludwig, C., Matasci, C., Edelmann, X. (Eds.), Natural Resources, Sustainable Targets, Technologies, Lifestyles and Governance, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, 356 pp.

Müller, S.R., Wäger, P.A., Widmer, R., Williams, I.D. 2015. A geological reconnaissance of electrical and electronic waste as a source for rare earth metals. Waste Management 45, 226-234.

Wäger, P.A. and Hischier, R., 2015. Life cycle assessment of post-consumer plastics production from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) treatment residues in a central european plastics recycling plant. Science of the Total Environment 529, 158-167.

Wäger, P.A., Hischier, R., Widmer, R. 2015. The Material Basis of ICT. In: Hilty, L.M., Aebischer, B. (Eds.), ICT Innovations for Sustainability, Springer, 209-221.

Weiser, A., Lang, D.J., Schomerus, T., Stamp, A. 2015. Understanding the modes of use and availability of critical metals – An expert-based scenario analysis for the case of indium. Journal of Cleaner Production 94, 376-393.

Widmer, R., Du, X., Haag, O., Restrepo, E., Wäger, P.A. 2015. Scarce Metals in Conventional Passenger Vehicles and End-of-Life Vehicle Shredder Output. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 4591-4599.

Del Duce, A.; Gauch, M.; Althaus, H.-J. (2014): Electric passenger car transport and passenger car life cycle inventories in ecoinvent version 3. Int J Life Cycle Assess. DOI 10.1007/s11367-014-0792-4, 13 pp.

Müller,E.; Hilty,L.M.; Widmer,R.; Schluep,M.; Faulstich,M. (2014): Modeling metal stocks and flows: a review of dynamic material flow analysis methods. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 4, 2102-2113.

Stamp, A.; Wäger, P.A.; Hellweg, S. (2014): Linking energy scenarios with metal demand modeling - The case of indium in CIGS solar cells. Resour. Conserv. Recy., 2014, 93, 156-167, Elsevier.

Wäger, P.; Ejderyan, O.; Schmid, F.; Stauffacher, M.; Zingerli, C. (2014): The Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Integrative Research on Natural Resources. GAIA 23, 2, 142 –144.

Zennegg, M.; Schluep, M.; Streicher-Porte, M.; Lienemann, P.; Haag, R.; Gerecke, A.C.: (2014): Formation of PBDD/F from PBDE in electronic waste in recycling processes and under simulated extruding conditions. Chemosphere, 116, 34-39.

De Haan, P.; Zah, R. (2013): In die Zukunft stromern - Elektromobilität im Schweizer Verkehrssystem der kommenden Jahrzehnte. Kurzfassung der TA-SWISS-Studie «Chancen und Risiken der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz» Zentrum für Technikfolgenabschätzung - TA-SWISS Bern, Schweiz, 16 pp.

De Haan,P.; Zah,R. (2013): Chancen und Risiken der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz. VDF, Zürich 203 pp.

Du, X. Dua; Graedel, T.E. (2013): Uncovering the end uses of the rare earth elements. Science of The Total Environment, 461-462, 781-784.

Knöri, C.; Wäger, P.A.; Stamp, A.; Althaus, H.-J.; Weil, M. (2013): Towards a dynamic assessment of raw materials criticality: Linking agent-based demand — With material flow supply modelling approaches. Sci. Total Environ., 2013, 461-462, 808-812.

Müller, E.; Widmer, R.; Coroama, V.C.; Orthlieb, A. (2013): Material and Energy Flows and Environmental Impacts of the Internet in Switzerland. Journal of Industrial Ecology (published online 30.09.2013) DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12056, 13 pp.

Prior, T.; Wäger, P.; Stamp, A.; Widmer, R.; Giurco, D. (2013): Sustainable governance of scarce metals: the case of lithium. Science of the Total Environment 461-462, 785-791.

Reuter, M. A.; Hudson, C.; van Schaik, A.; Heiskanen, K.; Meskers, C.; Hagelüken, C. (2013): Metal Recycling: Opportunities, Limits, Infrastructure, A Report of the Working Group on the Global Metal Flows to the International Resource Panel. (among the contributing authors: Schluep, M.; Wäger, P.; Widmer, R.). DTI/1535/PA, Nairobi, Kenya, 2013, 320 pp.

Schluep, M.; Müller, E.; Hilty, L. M.; Ott, D.; Widmer, R.; Böni, H. (2013): Insights from a decade of development cooperation in e-waste management. In: Hilty, L. M.; Aebischer, B.; Andersson, G.; Lohmann, W. (eds.): ICT4S 2013: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability. University of Zürich; ETH Zürich; Empa, 43-51.

Sinha, D. (2013): Diffusion, Obsolescence and Disposal of End-of-Life Consumer Durables: Models for Forecasting Waste Flows. Dissertation No. 4113, University of St. Gallen, School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs 113 pp.

Stamp, A.; Althaus, H.; Wäger, P. A. (2013): Limitations of applying life cycle assessment to complex co-product systems: The case of an integrated precious metals smelter-refinery. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013, 80, 1, 85-96.

Stauffacher, M.; Carabias-Hütter, V.; Förster, R.; Fry, P.; Hall, M.; Kläy, A.; Kueffer, C.; Spiess, H.; Wäger, P.; Zingerli, C. (2013): Engagement für inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung. GAIA 22 (2), 142-144.

Wäger, P.; Fussen, D.; Widmer, R. (2013): Mobilität und kritische Rohstoffe. In: de Haan, P.; Zah, R. (Eds.) Chancen und Risiken der Elektromobilität in der Schweiz. Zürich, vdf. ISBN 978-3-7281-3487-5, 95-113.

Blaser, F.; Wäger, P.; Böni, H. (2012): Indikatoren zur Beurteilung der Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen: Beispiele und Anwendungen. Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz, 20 pp.

Böni, H. (2012): Conformity assessment of WEEE take-back schemes: the case of Switzerland. In: Goodship, V.; Stevels, A. (Eds.) Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook. Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials No. 30, 752 pp.

Böni, H.(2012): Fachbericht SENS, SWICO Recycling, SLRS 2011. 31 pp.

Muller, E.; Schluep, M.; Wager, P.; Leroy, P. (2012): RoHS - Regulated substances in mixed plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment. Joint International Conference and Exhibition on Electronics Goes Green 2012+, ECG 2012, Berlin, September 9-12.

Schluep, M. (2012): WEEE management in Africa. In: Goodship V., Stevels A. (Eds.) Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook. Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials No. 30, 752 pp.

Sinha Khetrival, D.; Widmer, R.; Schwaninger, M.; Hilty, L.M. (2012): Application of System Dynamics to Assess Mass Flows of Waste Electrical and ElectronicEquipment (WEEE). In: The 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Edited by: Schwaninger, M. University of St.Gallen.

Stamp, A.; Lang, D.J.; Wäger, P.A. (2012): Environmental impacts of a transition toward e-mobility: the present and future role of lithium carbonate production. Journal of Cleaner Production 23, (1), 104-112.

Wäger, P.A.; Lang, D.; Widmer, D.; Bleischwitz, R.; Hagelüken, C. (2012): Towards a more sustainable use of scarce metals. A review of intervention options along the metals life cycle. GAIA 21 (4) 300-309.

Wäger, P.; Schluep, M.; Müller, E.; Gloor, R. (2012): RoHS regulated substances in mixed plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment. Environmental Science and Technology 46, (2), 628-635.

Wäger, P.; Widmer, R; Blaser, F.; Muller, E.; Stamp, A.; Boni, H. (2012): Towards a comprehensive recovery system for critical metals in Switzerland. Joint International Conference and Exhibition on Electronics Goes Green 2012+, ECG 2012, Berlin, September 9-12.

Whitla, O.; Kuehr, R.; Wäger, P. (2012): International policy supply and demand distortions of scarce metals. Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP) Green Paper 41 pp.

Wang, F.; Huisman, J.; Meskers, Ch.E.M.; Schluep, M.; Stevels, A.; Hagelüken, Ch. (2012): The Best-of-2-Worlds philosophy: Developing local dismantling and global infrastructure network for sustainable e-waste treatment in emerging economies. Waste Management, 32 (11) 2134–2146.

Chi, X., Streicher-Porte, M., Wang, M.Y.L., Reuter, M.A. (2011): Informal electronic waste recycling: A sector review with special focus on China. Waste Management 31, (4), 731-742.

Khetriwal D.S., Widmer R., Kuehr R., Huisman J. (2011): One WEEE, many species: Lessons from the European experience. Waste Management and Research 29, (9), 954-962.

Müller E., Schluep, M. Amoyaw-Osei Y., Prakash S., Terekhova T. (2011): E-waste management in Ghana: a country massflow assessment. Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 October 2011, 8 pp.

Schluep, M.; Manhart, A.; Osibanjo, O.; Rochat, D.; Isarin, N.; Müller, E. (2011): Where are WEee in Africa? Findings from the Basel Convention E-waste Africa Programme. 52 pp.

Stamp, A., Meskers, C.E.M., Reimer, M., Wäger, P., Althaus, H.J., Scholz, R.W. (2011): Challenges for LCAs of complex systems: the case of a large-scale precious metal refinery plant. In: Finkbeiner, M. (Ed.), Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Management, Springer, Dordrecht, 247-258.

Wäger P. (2011): Seltene Metalle nachhaltiger nutzen. Thema Umwelt: Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz PUSCH (2), 8-9.

Wäger, P.A. (2011): Scarce metals - applications, supply risks and need for action. Notizie di POLITEIA 27, (104), 57-66.

Wäger, P.A., de Leeuw, B., Edelmann, X., Chan, N.C., Smrekar, O. (2011): World resources forum 2011: towards a resource efficient green economy. GAIA 20, (4), 277-280.

Wäger, P.A., Hischier, R., Eugster, M. (2011): Environmental impacts of the Swiss collection and recovery systems for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE): a follow-up. Science of the Total Environment 409, (10), 1746-1756.

Althaus, H.J., Gauch, M. (2010): Vergleichende Ökobilanz individueller Mobilität: Elektromobilität versus konventionelle Mobilität mit Bio- und fossilen Treibstoffen. 162 pp., Empa.

Duan, H., Eugster, M., Hischier, R., Streicher-Porte, M., Li, J. (2010): Life cycle assessment study of a Chinese desktop personal computer. Science of the Total Environment 407 (5), 1755-1764.

Notter, D.A., Gauch, M., Widmer, R., Wäger, P.A., Stamp, A., Zah, R., Althaus, H.J. (2010): Contribution of Li-ion batteries to the environmental impact of electric vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology 44, (17), 6550-6556.

Sepúlveda, A., Schluep, M., Renaud, F.G., Streicher-Porte, M., Kuehr, R., Hagelüken C., Gerecke, A.C. (2010): A review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipments during recycling: examples from China and India. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30, (1), 28-41.

Steubing, B., Böni, H., Schluep, M., Silv,a U., Ludwig, C. (2010): Assessing computer waste generation in Chile using material flow analysis. Waste Management 30, (3), 473-482.

Steubing, B., Zah, R., Wäger, P.A., Ludwig, C. (2010): Bioenergy in Switzerland: assessing the domestic sustainable biomass potential. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, (8), 2256-2265.

Streicher-Porte, M., Geering, A.C. (2010): Opportunities and threats of current E-waste collection system in China: a case study from taizhou with a focus on refrigerators, washing machines, and televisions. Environmental Engineering Science 27, (1), 29-36.

Streicher-Porte, M., Kummer, K., Chi, X., Denzler, S., Wang, X. (2010): Chinese e-waste legislation, current status and future development. elni Review (1), 7-17.

Wäger, P.A., Calderon, E., Arce, R., Kunicina, N., Joumard, R., Nicolas, J.P., Tennøy, A., Ramjerdi, F., Ruzicka, M., Arapis, G., Mancebo Quintana, S., Ortega Pérez, E. (2010): Methods for joint consideration of indicators. In: Joumard R., Gudmundsson H. (Eds.), Indicators of environmental sustainability in transport: an interdiciplinary approach to methods, INRETS, 191-271.

Wäger, P.A., Karkalis, K. (2010): Description of the 49 chains of causalities - Chain 39: Non-renewable resource use. In: Joumard R., Gudmundsson H. (Eds.), Indicators of environmental sustainability in transport: an interdiciplinary approach to methods, INRETS, 338 (1 p.).

Wäger, P.A., Lang, D.J., Bleischwitz, R., Hagelüken, C., Meissner, S., Reller, A., Wittmer, D. (2010): Seltene Metalle: Rohstoffe für Zukunftstechnologien. In: Anonymous SATW, 31 pp.

Wäger, P.A., Schluep, M., Müller, E. (2010): RoHS substances in mixed plastics from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. 59 pp.

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