Completed projects

Bringing the digital twins of fruit and vegetables to the public
Smart packaging solutions
Convective cooling of heat-sensitive products organised in macro-porous assemblies: a novel conjugate method
Artificial fruit sensor
Strategies for innovations for Swiss masks needed in pandemic situations
Electrohydrodynamics for non-thermal, low-energy dehydration of soft, heat-sensitive materials

Fortifying dehydrated fruits by scalable electrohydrodynamics
Solar drying of soft cellular materials: a multiscale approach
Artificial fruit sensor system for monitoring the thermal behaviour of fruit in the cold chain
PACKCHAIN: Eco-smart ventilated packaging for fresh fruit using virtual cold chainsMultiscale fluid-tunnel facility for the built environment
Multiscale fluid-tunnel facility for the built environment
Transport of tropical fruit from overseas markets to Switzerland

Electrohydrodynamic drying of biomaterials