News 2016

Forschungssatellit T
Aug 9, 2016 | Satellite being X-Rayed at Empa
The much-travelled European research satellite Eureca was taken from the aerospace exhibition in the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne and loaded onto a truck before setting off on yet another adventure. The...
Sommercamp Titel
Jul 25, 2016 | Sommercamp an der Empa in Dübendorf
In der Woche vom 18. bis zum 22. Juli wurden an der Empa in Dübendorf Raketen und Brückenmodelle gebaut, Wald von Abfall befreit, Stickstoffeis hergestellt, Feuer gelöscht - und das für einmal nicht nur von Forschern und...
NanoImpact Main Stopperbild
Jul 21, 2016 | Empa researcher to act as co-editor of NanoImpact
Empa researcher Bernd Nowack is one of the editors-in-chief of the scientific journal NanoImpact, which was launched in May as the first journal to focus solely on nanosafety research. It aims to cover and bring together...
Jul 17, 2016 | Empa researchers develop new flame retardants
Flame retardants are invisible assistants in car seats, gasket sealants, furniture and even in aeroplanes. However, their ingredients are not always harmless. Empa researchers developed three innovative flame retardants...