News 2008

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2 sept. 2008 | «Innovation Day» à l’Empa pour la branche du textile
Les ressources des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) sont souvent trop faibles pour qu’elles puissent posséder leur propre département de développement qui leur permette de lancer des produits innovateurs sur le...
Aug 27, 2008 | Using Empa life cycle analyses to identify the low emission meeting
It is easy to forget that everyday office life with its business travel, conferences and meetings has a massive effect on the environment. Environmentally aware entrepreneurs will sooner or later ask themselves if they...
Aug 26, 2008 | Facades
For many years, fingers have been pointed at agriculture whenever pesticides are detected in rivers and streams. Studies carried out by Eawag and Empa now show that built-up areas also account for a considerable...
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Jul 29, 2008 | Discussions regarding scientific cooperation with Columbia in the fields of e-Waste and bio-fuels
No trace of the diplomatic ill-feeling between Columbia and Switzerland rumoured in recent times in the press: the Columbian Ambassador to Switzerland, Claudia Jiménez, visited Empa in St. Gallen on 11th July – and...
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Jul 19, 2008 | CICE 2008 – the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
From July 22nd to 24th over 250 scientists, engineers and specialists from around 30 countries are gathering for the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering to discuss the newest developments...
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18.07.2008 | Spass in den Sommerferien
Zum fünften Mal hatte die Empa die Kinder ihrer MitarbeiterInnen ins einwöchige Sommercamp eingeladen. Vom 14. bis 18. Juli erwartete ein abwechslungsreiches Programm 20 Kinder im Primarschulalter. Sie erhielten Einblick...
10 juil. 2008 | Empa Technology to go
Que dit déjà ce proverbe chinois: Une image vaut mille mots – et on peut ajouter cela  d’autant plus si elle est animée. Ceux qui s’intéressent à la technologie et aux innovations peuvent se convaincre de la justesse de...
08.07.2008 | Schweizer Kunststoffverband tagte an der Empa in St. Gallen
Die Jahresversammlung des Kunststoffverbands Schweiz fand vom 26. und 27. Juni in der neuen St. Galler AFG-Arena statt, einem Fussballstadion für knapp 20'000 Zuschauer mit angegliedertem Einkaufszentrum. Der aus St....
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Jun 16, 2008 | Science Apéro on Biofuels stimulates strong resonance
«The Utility or Futility of Biofuels» – the title of the Science Apéro at Empa in St. Gall and Duebendorf was intentionally provocative, the theme being, of course, whether energy derived from sustainable raw materials –...
03.06.2008 | Neues Tragkonzept dank Tensairity-Bauelementen
Eine Membrane, eine Hand voll Stangen, zwei Kabel – und Luft: Richtig zusammengebracht, ergibt sich aus dieser ungewöhnlichen Kombination eine Leichtbautragstruktur namens «Tensairity». Das «Center for Synergetic...
May 29, 2008 | Tailor-made functional garments for top athletes of the four-legged kind
In a project together with Vetsuisse, the Faculty of Veterinary Science of the University of Zurich and the Echler textile company from Canton Appenzell, and with support from Swiss Olympic, Empa has developed a novel...
16.05.2008 | Fachleute für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ZfP) trafen sich in St. Gallen
Über 500 Fachleute aus Industrie, Forschung und Entwicklung trafen sich Ende April in Räumen der Olma-Messen in St. Gallen zur gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der deutschen, schweizerischen und österreichischen Gesellschaften...
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May 15, 2008 | «Venture 2008»-Prize awarded to Optotune
Last Wednesday at ETH Zurich, the winners of the business plan competition «Venture 2008» were announced. Ten of 101 business plans were distinguished and the winner amongst them, receiving prize money of 60,000 Swiss...
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May 14, 2008 | NanoEco – Empa organizes international meeting on nanoparticles in the environment
Recently over a hundred scientists from all over the world met at Empa’s invitation on the «Mountain of Truth» – Monte Verità near Ascona – to discuss the effects of synthetic nanoparticles on the environment. Although...
May 8, 2008 | Functional polymers light up
Screens made of innovative organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) based on flexible rather than brittle materials hold the key to novel products such as roll-up screens or GPS displays on jacket sleeves. In a project...
Apr 25, 2008 | Empa continues to develop its networks within the Swiss research community as well as internationally
Cutting edge research and innovative developments usually have several «fathers». Research institutions seeking international acclaim must have intensive cooperation with widely branched expert networks. In the past...
Mar 31, 2008 | ETH/Empa Team awarded «Best Paper 2007» in Environmental Sciences field
Every year the scientific journal «Environmental Science & Technology» selects the best scientific works in the fields of environmental science, technology and policy from the over 1200 papers it publishes. The chosen...
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Mar 12, 2008 | Applied research serving the environment
More and more commercial organizations want information about the environmental effects of their products and activities. The tool they use is life-cycle assessment, a process which helps to quantify the resources...
06.03.2008 | Fritz Schiesser an der Empa
Fritz Schiesser, der seit Anfang Januar 2008 amtierende Präsident des ETH-Rats, besuchte am 6. März die Empa, um sie «persönlich kennen zu lernen». Empa-Direktor Louis Schlapbach begrüsste den ehemaligen Glarner...
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04.03.2008 | Spezialausgabe der Fachzeitschrift «Vacuum» zum Thema Energie
Die Fachzeitschrift «Vacuum» widmet ihre März-Ausgabe in Form einer Spezialausgabe dem Thema der Reduktion des Energieverbrauches mit Hilfe von vakuumbasierten Technologien.