EmpaNews 41 published

Focus: 50 years of Empa Dübendorf

Aug 22, 2013 | RAINER KLOSE

50 years ago the Empa campus was literally carved out of a green field in Dübendorf on the outskirts of Zurich. The exterior of the buildings has hardly changed. However, inside the walls it is a completely different story. A metamorphosis has taken place...

NEW: EmpaNews – for iPad and Android Tablets


Also in the current issue:
- Shaken, not stirred: Vibration tests on a wooden house provide data for architects
- Dioxin from the particle filter: Diesel engines sometimes generate Seveso toxin. Why?

Complete issue as PDF (7 MB)

New: EmpaNews for Android-Tablets
In December 2012 we launched EmpaNews for iPad. More than 500 readers installed our magazine in the newsstand of their iPad, watched our movie clips and studied our interactive graphics.
Now we extend our media reach: EmpaNews is available for Android Tablets* from now. You can find our app easily in the Play Store: just search for "empa".
Even more convenient is our own "app-site": www.empa.ch/app
*does not run on Smartphones





EmpaNews for iPad and Android Tablets

Preview of the app on your PC 
(movie clips do not work)


Complete issue as PDF (7 MB)

