Bio-based synthetic textile fibers

Life cycle assessment of bio-based synthetic fibers: the case of polyester substitutes

In the context of sustainable textile industry, bio-based synthetic fibers are seen as a possible addition or an alternative to polyester which is, at present, the prevailing fiber on the market. Some data on the environmental performance of such alternatives is available, however predominantly in a form that cannot be utilized for comparison and decision-making in textile industry and policy. The aim was to provide the missing inputs on the environmental performance of the bio-based alternatives through the means of a life cycle assessment. Three functional substitutes and their state-of-the-art production processes were considered in this project – bio-polyester, PTT and PLA fiber. 


Durabilis Award 2020 of EPFL and University of Lausanne for Tijana Ivanović: Master thesis «Life cycle assessment of bio-based synthetic fibers: the case of polyester substitutes» (November 2020).



Roland Hischier

Claudia Som (PI)