VREG State-of-the-art guideline for e-waste management in Switzerland

According to the Swiss Ordinance on the Return and Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (VREG), old electrical equipment should be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner and in accordance with the state of the art. The recoverable substances contained in e-waste should be recovered as far as technically possible, ecologically sound and economically viable. The requirements for an environmentally compatible disposal of e-waste include in particular their separate collection, the removal of pollutants, the recovery of raw materials and the disposal of non-recyclable components. The FOEN issues a state of the art guideline with objectives for procedures that are considered to be environmentally sound disposal in accordance with the state of the art. Empa has been commissioned by the FOEN to draw up this state of the art guideline.

The state of the art guideline is addressing cantonal authorities and all those involved in the WEEE recycling system. It regulates and specifies the requirements for disposal from the reception of the WEEE until the end of treatment of the fractions generated by the applicable recycling processes, including special duties of care for collection, packaging and transport. It is intended to promote uniform enforcement practice. For certain types of equipment, the enforcement guidance in the annexes contains detailed requirements.

See also: FOEN-Website

Heinz Böni
Technology & Society Laboratory
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
9014 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 58 765 78 58

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