News 2008

Feb 22, 2008 | Empa-study compares environmental impact of Electro-Scooters, gasoline powered cars and Motorcycles
Using an environmentally friendly mode of transport such as an electric scooter instead of a gasoline powered auto protects the environment and our climate. Interim results of an Empa research study done for the Swiss...

18.02.2008 | St. Galler Stadtrat zu Besuch bei der Empa an deren Ostschweizer Standort
Empa-Direktor Louis Schlapbach durfte am Donnerstag den Stadtrat von St. Gallen unter Leitung des Präsidenten Thomas Scheitlin an der Lerchenfeldstrasse begrüssen. Die Exekutivbehörde der Gallusstadt pflegt mit den...

Feb 15, 2008 | Informatica 08 Start of a series of conferences: panel discussion about Internet criminality
Informatica08, the “Swiss national year of informatics“, emphasizes the central role played by computers in our society. The conference series «Vulnerability of the Information Society» – organized by Empa together with...

Jan 29, 2008 | Empa know-how transfer to Asia
As a country striving to become a world economic power, China is faced with an ever-increasing problem of environmental pollution. In order to monitor the emission levels of selected pollutants which are thought to cause...

Jan 23, 2008 | First-time announcement of the Swiss Computer Science Challenges Award in conjunction with the Swiss national year of informatics informatica08
Which are the most important unresolved problems in the field of of information technology? And which main scientific challenges confront computer technologies today? These questions are to be answered by young...

17 janv. 2008 | Le savoir-faire de lEmpa primé dans la première phase de «Venture 2008»
L’attribution des prix de la meilleure idée commerciale du concours «Venture 2008» a eu lieu le 17janvier. Parmi les dix projets primés, qui se sont vu attribuer un prix de 2500 francs, figuraient deux projets auxquels...

Jan 11, 2008 | Empa assigns patent rights for textile fiber metallizing process to Swiss company
Metallized fibers are currently at the focus of a lot of attention in the textile industry. At the end of 2007 Empa transferred the rights to its patent for a special fiber coating process to Tersuisse Multifils SA in...

Jan 9, 2008 | Empa-scientist Urs Meier honored with international Fellowship-Award
For his pioneering efforts in the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymers in civil engineering structures, the ex-director of Empa, Urs Meier, has been honored with an international «Fellowship-Award». The International...
Showing 41 to 48 of 48 entries.