Recent Projects


SNF (Sinergia) with Prof. I. Zardo, Uni Basel, Prof. N. Marzari, EPFL, and Dr. B. Gotsmann, IBM Research Zürich; 01.06.2020 - 31.05.2024

Hybrid Van der Waals heterostructures for vertical, permeable-base organic transistors

SNF (Lead Agency) with Dr. D. Vuillaume, CNRS & Université de Lille, France; 01.06.2019 - 31.05.2023

Thermoelectricity in Networks of Molecular Junctions

Scientific exchange - Prof. J. Liao, Beijing. 01.08.2018-30.09.2018

Quantum Interference Enhanced Thermoelectricity (QuIET)

EU H2020 RIA. 2018-2022

Automated process flow for high-speed additive nanostructure assembly with integrated process control (Nanoassembly)

ETH domain SFA Advanced Manufacturing. 2018-2022

Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT (RECORD IT)

EU H202 RIA. 2015-2018

Prof. Dr. Michel Calame

Prof. Dr. Michel Calame
Head of Laboratory
Web page

Téléphone: +41 58 765 4260