Our Next Step – A Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

We believe that Empa's Coating Competence Center is only a first step towards closing the gap between lab-scale research and industrial production and bringing together partners from science and industry along the value chain. We already envision the next step and want to create a Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. The idea for this new center is to enlarge the number of funding institutions, to create an independent entity as a private-public partnership (PPP) and to expand the technology portfolio beyond coating technologies.
Extended portfolio of advanced manufacturing technologies
Coating Technologies are not the only advanced manufacturing technologies that offer promising results and enable the efficient manufacturing of products with superior performance or new functionalities. Laser ablation, surface treatments, inkjet or 3D printing are other examples of advanced manufacturing technologies that we will add to the technology portfolio of the new center. You find a selection of such technologies and relevant applicaitons as well as some examples of research fields in the figure below.
Looking for partners from science and industry
The new center should be set up as a public-private partnership with a larger group of funding institutions and sponsors. We are looking for leading research organizations that are active in the field of advanced manufacturing technologies as well as for industrial partners that represent and cover complete value chains from manufacturing of raw materials, production machines and equipment to producing products using advanced manufacturing technologies.
Possibilities for partners to participate
There are different possibilities to participate and support the new center. You can become a member of the center or donate products. If you are interested and want to learn more about this project and possibilities to participate, please contact .