Sub-Groups (SGs)
In the second half of 2023, WG1 was reorganised into only two Sub-Groups (SGs):
- SG Robustness, coordinated by Pedro Palma (Empa, CH) and Maria Felicita (TU Delft, NL); and
- SG Design for extended service life, coordinated by Lisa Ottenhaus (The University of Queensland, AU), Kristina Kröll (University of Wuppertal, DE), José Manuel Cabrero (Navarra University, ES), Robert Jockwer (Chalmers University, SE), and Rafael Passarelli (Hasselt University, BE).
The previous SGs Adaptability, Design for disassembly and reuse, and Repairability and maintenance (established after the 1st WG1 meeting in Izola (SI), on 24-25.05.2022) were merged in SG Design for extended service life.