Picture Henrique Ferreira


Abstracts are available for download

Process tracing in ecology & plant science
Chairs: Christiane Werner (University of Freiburg) and Marco Lehmann (WSL)
A. Kahmen – University of Basel – keynote speaker

Using carbon and oxygen isotopes of herbarium specimen to infer long-term physiological responses of plants to global environmental change

L. Wingate – INRAE – invited speaker
Is a ‘black box’ approach sufficient to predict the exchange of CO18O and COS between soils and the atmosphere or do we need to dig deeper?
C.A. Stricker – US Geological Survey (online)
Fat and fit: diet estimation, macronutrient assimilation, and nutritional implications for an iconic Arctic predator
M. Julien – GFZ Potsdam
Re-evaluation of the 13C isotope fractionation associated with fatty acids biosynthesis by position-specific isotope analysis
L. E. Daber – University of Freiburg
Position-specific isotope labelling gives new insights into chiral monoterpene synthesis
D. B. Nelson – University of Basel
Historic European monthly precipitation isotope time series reconstructions using machine learning
T. Röckmann – Utrecht University
Exploring the potential of Δ17O in CO2 for determining mesophyll conductance
C. Buchen-Tschiskale – Thünen Institute

Using N2O isotopocule analysis and 15N tracing approach to gain insights into N2O source processes in hydroponic tomato cultivation


R. Well – Thünen Institute

Combining 15N tracing and 15N site preference of N2O to distinguish production by nitrification and fungal denitrification

F. Tamburini – ETH Zürich

Oxygen isotopes in phosphate: defining potentials and limitations for environmental studies


R. A. Werner – ETH Zürich

Intramolecular 13C patterns of plant glucose convey environmental and metabolic information

F. Damak – Tokyo Institute of Technology

Insights into nitrous oxide reduction by soybean inoculated with Bradyrhizobium from concentration and isotopocule analyses in a field

S. N. Ladd – University of Freiburg

Leaf-level metabolic changes in daytime respiration and isoprenoid synthesis during drought determined by position-specific 13C-pyruvate labeling

C. Werner – University of Freiburg

Whole ecosystem 13CO2 and 2H2O Pulse-Labelling to investigate carbon allocation, CO2 and VOC emissions and the role of deep water reserves during drought


J. Baan – University of Basel

Comparing hydrogen isotope compositions of different lipid compounds across species to address possible origin of variation

Food authenticity, forensic & biomedical applications
Chairs: Michèle Lees (Eurofins) and Illa Tea (University of Nantes)
S. Kelly – IAEA – keynote speaker
Improving accessibility to food authentication, using stable isotope analysis, in developing countries: The activities of the joint FAO/IAEA Centre’s food safety and control laboratory
M. Straub – University Hospital of Lausanne – invited speaker
Distinct nitrogen isotopic compositions of healthy and cancerous tissue in mice brain and head & neck micro-biopsies
M. Perini – Centro di Trasferimento Tecnologico
Stable isotope ratio analysis to assess pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and dietary supplements authenticity
H. Meijer – University of Groningen
First Use of Triply Labelled Water analysis for energy expenditure measurements in mice
C. Citérin – Nantes Université

Isotopic signature of 13C and 15N natural abundance in breast cancer patients


M. Couton – Nantes Université

15N-position-specific isotope analysis by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (PSIA-IRMS)

M. Perini – Centro di Transferimento Technologico

Isotope ratio mass spectrometry to detect differences in four compartments of Simmental cows fed on C3 and C4 diets


P. Paneth – Lodz University of Technology

The first oxygen stable isotopes assessment in ‘in vivo’ cancer tissues – a pilot study.

Computation of isotope effects & enzyme mechanisms
Chairs: Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka (Lodz University of Technology)
K. Świderek – Universitat Jaume I – keynote speaker
Towards a new protocol for computer assisted biocatalysts design

P. Paneth – Lodz University of Technology – invited speaker

My 50 years with isotope effects
V. Moliner – Universitat Jaume I

Towards the design of an improved Retro-Aldolase based on QM/MM studies of the reaction catalyzed by different protein scaffolds

I. H. Williams – University of Bath

Computational simulation of kinetic isotope effects for enzymatic N-glycoside hydrolysis

L. Chai – TU Munich

Metabolic mechanism of sulfonamide cleavage: a combined computational and experimental study on sulfamethoxazole


A. Dybala-Defratyka – Lodz University of Technology

Isotope effects on vaporization of organic compounds from aqueous solution – insight from experiment and computations

L. Pennacchio – University of Copenhagen

First principles model of isotopic fractionation in formaldehyde photolysis: Wavelength and pressure dependence



Advances in analytical instrumentation and methods
Chairs: Matthias Gehre (UFZ) and Béla Tuzson (Empa)
A. Gilbert – Tokyo Institute of Technology – keynote speaker
Isotopologues of organic molecules: method developments and applications
C. Neubauer – University of Colorado – invited speaker
Discovering isotopic fingerprints anew on bioanalytical mass spectrometers
C. Rennick – National Physical Laboratory (online)
Calibration of Boreas: a new laser-based instrument for in-situ automated measurement of δ13C and δ2H in methane
T. Csernica – California Institute of Technology

High-Dimensional Isotomics: Observation and Interpretation of Over 100 Isotopic Constraints on Methionine

R. G. H. Marks – University of Essen
How to Couple LC-IRMS with HRMS – A Proof-of-Concept Study
S. Renou – University of Nantes
Towards unbiased 13C isotopic composition in PSIA
B. Tuzson – Empa
Mid-infrared laser spectroscopy coupled to continuous sublimation extraction. A novel method for high-precision greenhouse gas measurements in ice cores
F. Antritter – TU Munich

Reducing the unwanted: selectivity of various solid phase extraction sorbents in relation to dissolved organic matter


A. Canavan – TU Munich

Position-specific isotope analysis using 13C-labels on sulfamethoxazole


A. Tafa – TU Munich

Suitability of passive sampling for compound-specific isotope analysis of micropollutants in aquatic environments


R. Bakkour – TU Munich

Universal vs. selective sorbents for targeted isotope analysis of aquatic contaminants


C. Wabnitz – TU Munich

Coupling a quartz crystal microbalance with liquid chromatography for online NOM monitoring


S. Leitner – Institute of Soil Research

A UAV-based sampling system to analyze greenhouse gases and volatile organic carbons encompassing compound specific stable isotope analysis


E. P. Mueller– California Institute of Technology

High-precision ESI-Orbitrap MS measurements of hydrogen isotope compositions from organic molecules


A. Hilkert – Institute of Soil Research

Comprehensive isotope ratio MS with electrospray-Orbitrap

M. Öztopark – Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Investigating the intramolecular isotopic structure of isoprenoids via ultra high resolution APCI - Orbitrap mass spectrometry


G. S. Remaud – Nantes University

Exploring the potential of 17O NMR for intramolecular 17O isotope profile: application to vanillin origin discrimination

S. Renou – Nantes University

How to determine the intramolecular 13C composition on low amount of glucose using irm 13C-NMR


R. P. J. Moonen – Utrecht University

First results of CO2 and H2O Isotope-Flux Measurements a semi-arid area with large scale irrigation


G. A. Adnew – Utrecht University

Temperature dependence of isotopic fractionation in the CO2-O2 isotope exchange reaction


E. Safi – National Physical Laboratory

Fractionation effects during methane separation from ambient air for high-precision optical analysis of δ13C and δ2H


A. Th. Aerts-Bijma – University of Gröningen

Where do IRMS’s go wrong? δ18O SLAP determined at -56.3‰


K. Huang – Empa

A novel automated technique for simultaneous online analysis of 15N in ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate


K. Zeyer – Empa

Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with a QCL based absorption spectrometer: Method development


M. Lehmann – WSL

The hydrogen isotopic composition of plant carbohydrates – Advancement in methods and interpretation


S. Hugger – University of Basel

Method optimization for plant sugar purification and compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis


S. G. Pati – University of Basel


δ-scale calibration for stable isotope analysis of O2 by continuous flow IRMS from -10 to +95 ‰ with in-vitro photosynthesis experiments

Clumped isotopes
Chairs: Stefano Bernasconi (ETH Zürich) and Ivan Prokhorov (Empa)
J. Fiebig – Goethe University of Frankfurt – keynote speaker
Benefits and perspectives of carbonate dual clumped isotope thermometry
M. Clog – University of Glasgow – invited speaker
Robustness of clumped carbonate thermometry in carbonates from the Tara Deep, a large Irish orebody
M. Sivan – Utrecht University
Characterization of microbial methane using clumped isotope measurements
J. Quade – University of Arizona
Carbonate clumped isotope calibration from 6 to 1100°C using an isotope ratio laser spectrometer based on tunable infrared laser spectroscopy
A. Nataraj – Empa

Quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer with a low temperature multipass cell for precision clumped 12C18O2 and position specific isotope analysis


I. Prokhorov – Empa

Concordant optical clumped isotope thermometry of methane


H. Eckhardt – University of Heidelberg

Atmospheric CO2 sources with specific Δ47 signals under mixing conditions


N. Looser – ETH Zürich

Clumped isotope reordering in belemnite and optical calcites: Towards material-specific reordering kinetics


N. Zhang – Tokyo Institute of Technology

Abiotic methane formation in nature: information from clumped isotope analysis of laboratory synthesized methane


Origin and evolution of the Earth (planets) & life
Chairs: Huiming Bao (Nanjing University)
Y. Ueno – Tokyo Institute of Technology – keynote speaker
Tracing oxygen in sulfate using 34S-18O-clumping
J. Hemingway – ETH Zürich – invited speaker
Interpreting triple-oxygen isotope compositions in the geologic sulfur cycle
I. Bobrovskiy – GFZ Potsdam
Compound-specific isotope analysis on phylogenetically specific molecular fossils as a tool to deconvolve the stable carbon isotope record of the deep time
M. H. Thiemens – University of California San Diego
Solar controls of radioactive sulfur isotopes
L. Liu – Australian National University

SHRIMP-SI quadruple sulfur isotopic compositions of two generations of pyrite in the 3.49 Ga dresser formation

Global change, greenhouse gases & aerosols 
Chairs: Thomas Röckmann (Utrecht University) and Sakae Toyoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
S. Ono – MIT – keynote speaker
A model for isotopologue signatures of microbial methane to improve source attributions
L. Yu – Tsingua University / Empa – invited speaker (online)
Constraining global N2O budgets with decadal trends of multiple isotope signatures
A. Matson – Thünen Institute (announcement)
Research Gate Discussion Group: Isotopic tools to study N2O in soil and aquatic systems
R. Hill-Pearce – National Physical Laboratory (online)
Stable isotope reference materials for climate change monitoring
P. M. Homyak – University of California Riverside
Using isotopes to understand N-limitation in dry lands: Unexpected N loss pathways in systems with too little N
A. Hoheisel – University of Heidelberg

Evaluation of six years of continuous δ13CH4 measurements in Heidelberg, Germany

R. W. van Zwieten – Picarro, Inc. (sponsored)
Committed to Science - Stable isotope analysis with CRDS – practical considerations and use cases
J. Kaiser – University of East Anglia
Polyisotopic carbon dioxide ratios at the coastal Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (Norfolk, UK)
S. L. Baartman – Utrecht University
Isotopic measurements of carbonyl sulfide (COS): from biosphere to stratosphere
H. Bao – Nanjing University
Atmospheric sulfate of prehuman time in inland northern China
H. A. Scheeren – University of Gröningen

Measuring the stable isotopic composition of pure CO2 samples on a dual-laser absorption spectrometer using a back-dilution method to obtain dry ambient conditions


P. M. Steur – University of Gröningen

A four-year record (2017-2021) of ∆17O in atmospheric CO2 from Lutjewad station (NL)


M. Fatima – VTT

Comparison of laser sources and driver electronics for optical isotope ratio spectroscopy


S. Toyoda – Tokyo Institute of Technology

Spacio-temporal distributions of atmospheric nitrous oxide and its isotopocules


A. Matson – Thünen Institute

Research Gate Discussion Group: Isotopic tools to study N2O in soil and aquatic systems

Biogeochemistry, elemental cycles and fate of contaminants
Chairs: Anat Bernstein (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Moritz Lehmann (University of Basel)
K. L. Casciotti – Stanford University – keynote speaker
Tracing nitrous oxide biogeochemistry in marine oxygen deficient zones using isotopes and isotopomers
C. L. Kelly – Stanford University
Identifying a potentially variable site preference for hybrid nitrous oxide production via isotopomer labeling experiments
E. Harris – ETH Zürich
Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting
B. Mayer – University of Calgary
Isotopic tracing of sources and fate of nitrate, sulfate and methane in groundwater in Alberta (Canada)
B. Wolf – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Intramolecular N2O isotopic composition from grassland without preconcentration: interferences correction, nitrification inhibitors, freeze-thaw events and source process identification

A. Danner & G. Rahe – Envicontrol (sponsored)
Analysis of soil respiration with OA-ICOS technology
D. Hunkeler – University of Neuchatel – keynote speaker

Does compound-specific isotope analysis contribute to a new conceptual understanding of the fate of contaminants in the environment?

M. Wiggenhauser – ETH Zürich
Fractionation of stable isotopes of metals and metalloids in plants - copper and cadmium as examples
S.-L. Badea – ICSI
Dehalogenation of α-hexachlorocyclohexane by iron sulfide nanoparticles: Study of reaction mechanism with stable carbon isotopes and pH variations
P. R. Martin – University of Tübingen
Manganese–driven oxidation of aminotris (methylene) phosphonate (ATMP) studied by carbon CSIA
S. G. Pati – University of Basel
Oxygen kinetic isotope effects associated with reactions of singlet oxygen in aqueous solutions
C. E. Bopp – EAWAG
Tracing mechanistic adaptations of enzymatic oxygenations of aromatic contaminants using 13C and 18O kinetic isotope effects
J. Hayles – NASA (online)
Constraints on triple oxygen isotope kinetics
M. Elsner – Technical University of Munich
Isotope fractionation reveals limitations and microbial regulation of pollutant biodegradation at low concentrations
K. Müller – TU Munich

Applicability of a reverse stable isotope labeling approach to show biodegradation of microplastics on a single-cell level


A. Matson – Thünen Institute

Using depth profiles and natural abundance stable isotopes to determine N2O processes in agricultural soils


K. Kourtaki – University of Tübingen

Application of compound-specific carbon isotope analysis on aerobic biotransformation of glyphosate


A. Röhnelt – University of Tübingen

Heterogenous oxidation of aminopolyphosphonates and AMPA at manganese oxide surfaces studied by carbon LC-IRMS


O. Boukaroum – Aix-Marseille University

Significant 2H and 13C isotope fractionation during volatilisation and diffusion of hydrocarbons in soil


P. Höhener – Aix-Marseille University

DECiSIvE - Tracking degradation of soil pollutants with multi-elemental compound-specific isotope analysis

M. Alvarez-Salas – ETH Zürich

Stable isotopes of oxygen: the key to understand the soil fate of fertilizer-derived phosphorus?


E. Stoll – University of Innsbruck

New insights into climate change-driven soil N2O production and emissions in managed montane grassland

M. Vinyes-Nadal – University of Barcelona

Assessing methoxychlor contamination and natural attenuation in a polluted aquifer using carbon compound specific isotope analyses


D. Lewicka-Szczebak – University of Wrocław

Combining isotope mixing and fractionation with a new modelling tool applying the Monte Carlo approach


M. Bucha – University of Wrocław

Tracing anaerobic decomposition of lactate, butyrate, propionate, and acetate by means of carbon isotopic analyses of products CH4, CO2, and DIC in the continuous-flow open systems


P. M. Magyar – University of Basel

Constraining interplay between kinetic and equilibrium isotope effects during anammox in a wastewater treatment system


T. Einzmann – University of Basel

Understanding biogeochemical controls on nitrous oxide production and consumption in Lake Lugano, Switzerland


S. G. Pati – University of Basel


δ-scale calibration for stable isotope analysis of O2 by continuous flow IRMS from -10 to +95 ‰ with in-vitro photosynthesis experiments


C. F. M. de Carvalho – University of Basel

Oxygen isotope fractionation during enzymatic O2 consumption reactions


T. Kuder – University of Oklahoma

Hydrogen isotope exchange between trichloroethene and water under mild environmental conditions – implications for the use of hydrogen CSIA in contaminated site assessment


N. Gluschankoff – Stanford University

Isotopic analysis of nitrous oxide during El Niño and La Niña in the Eastern tropical South Pacific


J. Mohn – Empa

Tracing N2O formation in full-scale wastewater treatment with natural abundance isotopes