Project Chronology

18-19 Nov  2020

24m Meeting online

Final results of the wing test at Empa were presented, and the panel test bench design was presented. Status updates of the commissioning of the DIMES system on a cockpit and full wing test at Toulouse and Filton, respectively, were given.

15 Oct  2020

DIMES Installation

Ongoing travel restrictions prevented the DIMES team from visiting Toulouse for deploying the measurement system on a cockpit test. Instead, the system was shipped to Airbus, and the Topic Manager has commissioned it under remote guidance by the team.

17-18 Jun  2020

18m Meeting online

Results on crack initiation and the further testing procedure on the wing test bench at Empa were discussed. System improvements were agreeed, and commissioning of the DIMES system on a cockpit and full wing test at Toulouse anfd Filton, respectively, was planned.

26-28 Nov 2019

12m Meeting in Switzerland

During the 12m meeting the DIMES team gathered around the test bench at Empa. The wing box will be loaded in a three point arrangement with the wing tip being deflected. The DIMES system will be placed into the bays through the access holes visible on the wing surface in the picture.

26-27 June 2019

6m Meeting in London

After a visit to Bristol to discuss test article options, the 6m meeting was held in London. A Milestone, the Preliminary design review, was successfully achieved. A decision was taken to use part of an A320 wing as test article for the test bench to be designed and implemented at Empa.

20 Feb 2019
20 Mar 2019

Brainstrom Meetings at Airbus, Toulouse

Two brainstorm meetings were held to develop the concept for the DIMES integrated system. While the first meeting focused on combinations of measurement technology, the second was about implementing the sensors and developing an overall concept for data and power management as well as system control.

14-16 Jan 2019

Kick Off Meeting in Liverpool

Partners presented their organisation and people participating in the project. The Topic Manager provided an overview of Airbus. There was a discussion about the technology, the test article and their relationship to the DIMES work packages.

1 Jan 2019 Official project start date  

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