Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces


June 8, 2023 Welcome to Pablo

Welcome to Pablo Bastante from IFIMAC and ICMM-CSIC! He will spend rest of the year with us as academic guest :-)

June 01, 2023 Welcome to Tero

Welcome to Dr. Tero Kulmala who has just joined the lab. He will be working on nanofabrication of devices with low-dimensional nanomaterials and on reliability and failure analysis of electronics.

April 25, 2023 Congratulations to Nick & Sofie

Congratulations to Sofie and Nick for receiving the "excellent" rating for their project on plastic separation using terahertz radiation at the 57th National Competition of Swiss Youth in Science! 

April 10, 2023 Welcome to David

Welcome to David Gryc, who is working on his master project on Nanoscopy of graphene and twisted graphene under THz regime, under the supervision of Elena Mavrona.


Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

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