Publications 2012

Brunner, A. J.; Bachmann, F. Acoustic emission monitoring of tensile tests on packaged piezoceramic wafer transducers. Presented at the 30th European conference on acoustic emission testing (EWGAE 2012); 7th international conference on acoustic emission (ICAE 2012), Granada, Spain, September 12–15, 2012; p (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Di Lillo, L.; Schmidt, A.; Carnelli, D. A.; Ermanni, P.; Kovacs, G.; Mazza, E.; Bergamini, A. Measurement of insulating and dielectric properties of acrylic elastomer membranes at high electric fields. J. Appl. Phys. 2012, 111 (2), 024904 (8 pp.).
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Dürager, C. Energy harvesting for wireless sensors by using piezoelectric transducers. Presented at the 6th European workshop on structural health monitoring, Dresden, Germany, July 3–6, 2012; p Tu.3.C.1 (7 pp.).
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Habrard, F.; Patscheider, J.; Kovacs, G. Super-compliant metallic electrodes for electroactive polymer actuators. In Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) 2012, presented at the SPIE smart structures and materials + nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring, San Diego, California, United States, March 11-15, 2012; Bar-Cohen, Y., Ed.; Proceedings of SPIE; SPIE: Bellingham, WA, USA, 2012; Vol. 8340, p 834013 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Hauert, R.; Falub, C. V.; Thorwarth, G.; Thorwarth, K.; Affolter, C.; Stiefel, M.; Podleska, L. E.; Taeger, G. Retrospective lifetime estimation of failed and explanted diamond-like carbon coated hip joint balls. Acta Biomater. 2012, 8 (8), 3170-3176.
Detailed Record
Jones, R.; Pitt, S.; Bunner, A. J.; Hui, D. Application of the Hartman–Schijve equation to represent Mode I and Mode II fatigue delamination growth in composites. Compos. Struct. 2012, 94 (4), 1343-1351.
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Koller, R. E.; Stoecklin, I.; Weisse, B.; Terrasi, G. P. Strengthening of fatigue critical welds of a steel box girder. Eng. Fail. Anal. 2012, 25, 329-345.
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Lu, T.; Huang, J.; Jordi, C.; Kovacs, G.; Huang, R.; Clarke, D. R.; Suo, Z. Dielectric elastomer actuators under equal-biaxial forces, uniaxial forces, and uniaxial constraint of stiff fibers. Soft Matter 2012, 8 (22), 6167-6173.
Detailed Record
Michel, S.; Chu, B. T. T.; Grimm, S.; Nüesch, F. A.; Borgschulte, A.; Opris, D. M. Self-healing electrodes for dielectric elastomer actuators. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22 (38), 20736-20741.
Detailed Record
Piskoty, G.; Jäggin, S.; Michel, S. A.; Weisse, B.; Terrasi, G. P.; Fürst, A. Resistance of equine tibiae and radii to side impact loads. Equine Vet. J. 2012, 44 (6), 714-720.
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Rösslein, M. Messunsicherheit in der täglichen Praxis. UserCom: Analytical Chemistry, 2012, pp 21-26.
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Stelzer, S.; Brunner, A. J.; Argüelles, A.; Murphy, N.; Pinter, G. Mode I delamination fatigue crack growth in unidirectional fiber reinforced composites: Development of a standardized test procedure. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2012, 72 (10), 1102-1107.
Detailed Record
Terrasi, G. P.; Bisby, L.; Barbezat, M.; Affolter, C.; Hugi, E. Fire behavior of thin CFRP pretensioned high-strength concrete slabs. J. Compos. Constr. 2012, 16 (4), 381-394.
Detailed Record
Terrasi, G. P.; Maluk, C. H.; Bisby, L. A.; Hugi, E.; Kanik, B. Fire experiments of thin-walled CFRP pretensioned high strength concrete slabs under service load. Presented at the 6th international conference on FRP composites in civil engineering (CICE 2012), Rome, Italy, June 13–15, 2012; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Weisse, B.; Aiyangar, A. K.; Affolter, C.; Gander, R.; Terrasi, G. P.; Ploeg, H. Determination of the translational and rotational stiffnesses of an L4–L5 functional spinal unit using a specimen-specific finite element model. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 2012, 13, 45-61.
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